Programme Outcomes

Outcomes-based approach in B. Tech. (Food Technology)

Program Outcomes
1 Discipline specific knowledge: Capability enhancement through learning fundamentals and cutting-edge aspect related to food technology by gaining knowledge in food science and allied specialized courses.
2 Problem solving: Capacity to identify, analyze and resolve food industry need base problems and design solutions for complex problems that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the food sustainability.
3 Critical thinking: Competency development to think ‘out of the box’ and generate solutions for complex problems in unfamiliar contexts to resolve the challenges.
4 Communication skills: Enhanced communication skills for effective transmission of technical knowledge to stockholders (farmers, industry, society) through development of vibrant ecosystem with face to face communication, research and review articles or social media.
5 Analytical reasoning/thinking: Ability to analyze and synthesize data from a variety of sources; draw valid conclusions and support them with evidence and examples, and address conflicting viewpoints.
6 Research-related skills: Efficacy development of the students to plan, execute and report the results of an experiment or investigation as well as projects with articulation of societal benefit-based thought process.
7 Multicultural competency and inclusive spirit: Capability to work effectively with multidisciplinary teams/ multicultural team and facilitate coordinated effort as a group or a team in the interests of a common cause and work efficiently as a member of a team. Gender sensitivity and adopting a gender-neutral approach, as also empathy for the less advantaged and the differently-abled including those with learning disabilities. Adoption of multicultural groups with demonstrations of values for betterment of diverse culture society.
8 Digital and technological skills: Capacity building technical skills to handle modern and sophisticated equipment, software, and IT tools for generation of need base products and processes.
9 Value inculcation: Generation of holistic technocrats through inculcation of life skills, ethical practices to create vibrant human value systems-based thought process driven technological knowledge application mind set, exclusively for human welfare with due conservation of existing moral dimensions in every aspect of modern technology-based wealth generation.
10 Environment and sustainability: Awareness about environmental issues related to food industries (pollution, climate change, hunger, and malnutrition) and trouble shoot them with effective suitable food processing, waste management, conservation and management of biological resources and work towards sustainable development.
11 Community engagement and services: Capability enhancement of student as food technologist, sharing the responsibility as an Indian citizen in community- engagement services and activities for promoting the wellbeing of society.
12 Life-long learning: Ability to demonstrate the skills necessary to continually educate oneself and engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change and also to build the capacity to emerge out as an entrepreneur.
Program Specific Outcomes
1 Comprehensive knowledge of various areas related to Food Science and Technology and coherent understanding to process, preserve, package, store, and market the finished food product parallel to the industrial perfection.
2 Practical knowledge required for resolving industry base problems, skills for self- employment, and mindset for entrepreneurship to excel professional career in Food Technology.
3 Skills and attitude required to successfully contribute in processing, packaging, and preservation of food products by adopting multidisciplinary approach ensuring food safety and quality.
4 Ability of critical thinking and application of scientific principles to fulfill societal needs through development of new generation and value-added food products.
Program Outcome No. Program Outcome Description Relevant to Local National / Regional / Global needs
Discipline specific knowledge
Development of the students in food science and technology with special reference to capability enhancement through cutting edge knowledge of fundamentals in mathematics, science, engineering, management and food science base specialized courses to resolve complex food technology challenges and also to formulate need based innovative processed food products. Global
Problem analysis and solution
Transformation of the students capable enough to identify demand and supply base marketing trends, through literature cited as a base to formulate innovative ideas, verifying scaling driven conclusions, over mathematics, science, and engineering base applications. National
Design/development of solutions
Design capability enhancement of students for creative solutions of food industry need base problems through introduction of food technology driven new ideas that may compensate with appropriate innovation of consumer-based food products in coordination with regulatory authority notified context of food safety, cultural, societal, and environmental transition considerations. Regional
Conduction of investigations for complex problems
Efficacy development of the students coiling around independent applied research undertaking capability with specialty design of experimental set up, unique utility of analytical tool and data interpretation to enable synthesis of information for valid conclusions. Local
Modern tool usage
Innate motivation of students for capacity building to handle modern and sophisticated equipment’s, software’s and IT tools for prediction and modelling of food formulation to compensate with regulatory mechanism of food safety through understanding of limitations of said equipment’s and software’s. National
Food technologist and Society
Students’ upliftment as food technologists sharing the responsibility as an Indian citizen updated with quality and sustainability of food products for building up of unique society as a healthy citizen. Enrichment with recent technologies capable to elicit views of others, mediate conflicts and lead in drawing conclusions as a group activity. National
Specialty grooming of the students with ethical practices to generate vibrant value systems coiling around application of technological knowledge exclusively for human welfare with due conservation of existing moral dimensions in every aspect of either process and product development driven decisions. Local
Environment and sustainability
Food technology enriched entrepreneurship based on skill, expertise and mindset change of students capable enough to entrap global environmental transition as a key factor to rejuvenate food technological innovations exclusively in the interest of food processing sector for far sighted sustainability mission. Global
Holistic development of the students with special reference to enhanced communication skill to transfer science and technology base technical knowledge to stockholders (farmers, industry, society) through development of vibrant ecosystem with social media (articles, blogs, face to face communication and by writing research and review articles). Regional
Individual and team work
Personalized development of the students as a lead manager to coordinate in inhouse and outsource research projects to stimulate multidisciplinary mode of application. Regional
Life-long learning
New edge leaning capacity building of students as a new generation food technologist jointly based on self-motivation and innovative technology to counteract any type of pandemic situation through robust food technology development. National
Start-up skills and management
Three-dimensional development of the student through entrepreneurship capability for skill- based start-up initiation in coordination with zero error managerial ecosystem. Local

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

Program Specific Outcome no. Program Specific Outcome Description Relevant to Local National / Regional / Global needs
Food Industry Competency
Food industry competency grooming of students to acquire the high profile positions in the new generation corporate sector. Regional
Entrepreneurship skills
Holistic techno managerial capacity building of students to get explored as a start-ups launcher with futuristic strategic planning. Regional
Research Motivation
Student capability enhancement for individual or team driven working potential to monitor existing research portfolio under the domain of R&D as a constituent or integrated activity compensating with futuristic vision in food science and technology. Global
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