Knowledge Resource Center

The Knowledge Resource Center (KRC) is the center with a huge collection of nearly 87000+ books, 256160+ e-books, 4710+ journals (both National and International), non-book materials (particularly Institute of Design), etc. in the disciplines of Design, Journalism and Media Communication, Drama, Architecture, Food Technology, Bio-Engineering and Research, Film and Television, Civil Services, Fine Art and Applied Art, Performing Art, Engineering, Management, Commerce, Science, Humanities and Education, Vedic Sciences, Marine Engineering and Law. KRC has good infrastructure with modern ambiances comprising 2379.76 Sq. meter. area. KRC is under fully CCC surveillance. KRC provides access to all these resources to the students, faculties, scholars, and community with communication facilities like Internet, Wi-Fi, E-mail, Scanner, Printer, Barcoding and Printer, Digital Library, Reprography, LAN, Telecommunication.

KRC Official site

The MIT Art, Design, and Technology University established the Knowledge Resource Center on 1 st October, 2021 consists of four Clusters:

1. Engineering and Management Cluster

2. Design Cluster

3. Maritime Cluster

4. Social Sciences Cluster

The classification scheme used is the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). Library Services include Circulation (Issue and Return) services, printed materials with barcode technology, and an extensive range of Online Database Services. These services encompass E-Resources such as IEEE (ASPP) Journals, EBSCO e-books & e-journals, Prowess IQ, J-Gate Complete Database (Journals), ASME (Journals), ASCE (Journals), Manupatra Online, AIR Online, DELNET, E-Shodh Sindhu, and the National Digital Library (NDL). Additionally, the KRC offers information-sharing services via phone and email, indexing services, newspaper clipping services, scanning and photocopying services, reference services, Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) services, Current Awareness Services (CAS), and information on current conferences, seminars, and workshops. Users can also access catalogue search and book reservation facilities. The digital learning platform, powered by Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) through TCSiON's cloud computing application, provides a centralized system to display all these facilities. All clusters are equipped with Wi-Fi, and the Knowledge Resource Center encourages users and scholars to utilize the 30 dedicated PCs available for research and learning.

To be a world-class Knowledge Resource Center for providing organized, comprehensive, and timely access to both local and remote resources. Knowledge Resource Center will become the intellectual center of MIT Art, Design and Technology University by fully integrating its services, state-of-the-art technologies, and unique collections into all aspects of our institution.
To utilize the new ICT (Information and Communication Technology), Media and related Technology to expose the ever-expanding frontiers of knowledge to users. To drive excellence in life-long learning, discovery and engagement.  Within a collaborative and interdisciplinary environment, we enrich the student learning experience, facilitate research at all levels and engage the community through innovative educational services, resources and technologies.
KRC Collection Click Here
KRC E-Resources Click Here
Sr. No. E-resources Quantity of Full Text Web Site / URL
1 NDL (National Digital Library) 64651364
2 Open Access Books (Books) 78354000
3 NPTEL 500+Videos & 226+web courses
4 DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) 15763
5 Open Access Journals https://www.openaccessjournals. com/
Library Facilities

1. Library follows an Open Access System.

2. Systematic arrangement of documents by Dewey Decimal Classification System.

3. Facilitate users on reservation of documents.

4. Full-fledged Xerox/Reprographic, Scanning and Printing facilities.

5. Special facility for Issuing Reference Documents/Materials.

6. Borrowing facility of Documents/Materials.

7. Wi-Fi facility.

8. Personal Computers dedicated for the use of Users.

9. Reading hall facility with sufficient capacity.

10. Interlibrary Loan and Book Banking with Institutional membership

11. OPAC Facility (TCSiON, mTOP Mobile App.)

12. E-resources accessible from the User’s desk anywhere.

13. CCC surveillance facilities.

14. RO purified drinking water.

15. Digital Learning Platform

Library Services

1. Event information services – KRC Info Cast (Newsletter)

2. Book Circulation (Issue, Return, Reissue and Reservation) Services.

3. Online Database Services and E-Resources Services.

4. Current Title Services (CTS) and Sharing Information Services on web platform & E-mail.

5. Provides Research Article indexing / journal contents.

6. Newspaper Clipping Services.

7. Scanning & Photocopying Services.

8. Reference and users’ guidance Services.

9. Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) Services.

10. Current Awareness Services (CAS) & Awareness services

11. Current Information regarding Conference, Seminar, Workshop, and events etc.

12. Provides all types of previous Question Papers.

Library Rules and Regulations

1. Entry of users’ details on the Register placed at the Gate is essential. Entry will be given to Authentic Institutional User ID Card holder only.

2. Two Documents/Materials are issuable for 10 days per student.

3. Re-issue for same Document/Material is possible for thrice only.

4. Issue of Reference Documents will be under the written permission through any Faculty’s recommendation.

5. A fine of Rs.5/- (Rupees Five only) will be levied per day for each overdue Document/Material.

6. Information on lost Documents/Materials to be put in notice to Library immediately. Borrowers must replace or pay the cost of the lost Documents/Materials.

7. Maintain Silence inside the library.

8. Talking on mobile phone inside library is strictly prohibited. Mobile may be seized or fined of Rs. 200/- if found.

9. Any electronic gadget (like Laptop, Mobile etc.) should not be left inside the library when users are leaving the library for a while. Institution/Library will not be responsible if lost.

10. Damage of any library property & folding any page of library documents are strictly prohibited.

11. Personal or Issued books or documents, bags, are to be kept in Property Rack or Property Counter. Not allowed to take inside the library.

12. Don't keep any valuables inside the bag while you are keeping your bag at the bag rack or Property Rack/Property Counter. Institution/Library will not be responsible if lost.

13. Don't re-shelve any referred document of library. Leave the referred document/s on the reading table only.

14. The readers leaving the library should allow the library/security staff to examine their personal belongings.

A1. Eligibility/ Limitations of Books for Faculty and Students:

• Faculty and staff are entitled to borrow books (including text/ reference books and general books) for a period of one semester as per following limits:

• Professor/Deans/Associated Professors 06 Books
• Assistant Professors/Lectures fee 04 Books
• Junior Lectures/Research Associates/Teaching assistance 03 Books
• Staff 02 Books

• Students are entitled to borrow books (including textbooks and general books) for a period of 10 days as per following limits:

• Post Graduate Students 02 Books
• Graduates Students 02 Books
• Research Scholars 04 Books

Monday to Friday: 8.30 am to 8.00 pm
Saturday: 9.30 am to 4.30 pm.

On Special demand from users Clusters are kept open as per requirement during examinations.

Clusters have generally remained closed on all Saturdays, Sundays and Approved University Holidays

Digital Learning System: It contains photos, videos, free PDF copies of titles, free E-books on different Subjects, Syllabus, Question Papers and other related documents of MIT ADT University are available in TCSiON digital learning platform with self-login access.

User Awareness Services: KRC takes an active part in the orientation program organized by the institute for the benefit of new students at the beginning of the academic year. They are taken around the library or in pre-decided classrooms/ seminar hall to familiarize themselves with the various resources and services available to them. Training sessions are also organized whenever a new product or service is introduced.

Any user desiring to know more about library resources and services or to learn how to use a particular resource like OPAC, e-journals, databases, etc. should contact the In-charge- Reference service.

KRC also organizes training, workshops conferences, etc. for library and information professionals working in the Country to help them update their knowledge and skills.

Plagiarism Software Facility: Turnitin Software is available on demand.


Dr. Praveen Pandit

I/C Director – Knowledge Resource Center, MIT ADT University

MIT Art, Design & Technology University Loni Kalbhor, Pune- 412 201

Telephone: 020-67652342

Email ID:

Mr. Udayan Ghosh

Information Scientist – Knowledge Resource Center, MIT ADT University

MIT Art, Design & Technology University Loni Kalbhor, Pune- 412 201

Mobile Number:9733685343

Email ID:

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