• School of Architecture is known for delivering student-centric educational programs through a pedagogy which is hands-on and responsive to the natural, technological, cultural and social environments.
  • Various study tours and site visits are organized for the students to gain better conceptualunderstanding and develop research orientation on the subject matter.
  • The School is contributing towards the profession of architecture through educational innovation and academic outreach and byharnessing the latent potential of the learner for innovation, independent thinking and creativity.
  • It is the only formal masters program in architecture in India offering TIAKS.
  • The course curriculum is inter-disciplinary, the program is technology-driven and the course content revolves around the contemporary aspects of Architecture.
  • Emphasis is given to the research and practice based approach towards architecture.
  • Students are prepared to take a leadership role in the architecture.
  • The School gives adequate thrust on developing the student’s cognitive abilities which helps themin problem solving, creative thinking and informed decision making since these are some of theessential perquisites to succeed in the profession of Architecture.
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