Teaching Pedagogy

The curriculum of the institution is designed to align with the vision and mission of MIT ADT University to bring in a holistic development in the students. In confirmation to the guidelines provided by the Council of Architecture, the curriculum is designed to bridge the gap between industry and academia, encourage experimentation, research and upskilling. To broaden the horizon, the curriculum includes practices on

  • Integration of allied fields for electives subjects.
  • Hands on workshops within the premises and on the field on construction techniques, sustainable building practices, advanced technologies like fabrication and 3D printing.
  • Interaction and evaluation from the experts of industry and academia.

Program objectives include interdisciplinary learning with the other schools of the University. A ratio of student to teacher and mentor to mentee is maintained 1:10. Slow learners are supported with the mechanism of remedial studios. Methods like vertical integration of studios are practiced promoting peer learning. Frequent field visits are organized to ensure understanding of ongoing industry projects. In alignment with the vision of Make in India, hands-on workshops sessions are organized. Students are encouraged to work on the Electives/Research/Documentation/Publication for their own interests. Co-curricular activities are related to their curricular assignments to enhance the inbuilt talent and promote the students for experimentation. A healthy practice is observed for the online teaching and learning in alignment with the Affective, Psychomotor and Cognitive methods of Bloom’s TAxonomy and the Program Objectives.

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