Research / Publications / Activities

Dr. Geeta Rao

Services marketing

Dr. Preeti Surkutwar

Current Trends in HR

Dr. Sudeep Limaye

Logistics management Entrepreneurship development - I

Dr. Anand Kopre

Vyavasay Vyavasthapan (Business management)

Prof. Soum Das

E Commerce The next big think in Iindia

Dr. Chhabi Sinha Chavan

Customer Relationship Management: Concepts & Application Chapter in the book titled “Industry 4.0 and the Digital Transformation of International Business"

Mr. Pramodkumar Tejrao Chopde

Study of factors influencing Employee Engagement in Telecom Industry with special reference to Pune City A Study of Learning and Development, Work Culture & Leadership as well as Demographic Characteristics of employees on Engagement Level of Employees in Telecom Organization in Pune Factors Influencing Employee Engagement and Different Types of Engaged Employees Factors Influencing Employee Engagement in Telecom Organization

Ms. Rashi Sikarwar

Study of effectiveness of extended disc.

Mr. Ramesh Shelar

The study of transformation of solid waste to revenue with reference to Municipal corporations in western region of Maharashtra

Mr. Ashok Todmal

Study of factors impacting on success and failure of food processing startups in Pune and Mumbai. Role of startups in Re-branding India Start-ups in India: How well have they started?

Prof. Krishnamurthy Thakur

Conceptual framework for a business journalism program based on stakeholder’s perspective A study on stress management with special reference to software developers from its companies in Pune region of Maharashtra state Study Constructed on Factors Influencing Jobseekers in Recruitment and Selection Process across IT Organization

Mr. Vidyanand Madhukar Joshi

A study of job alignment relating to the recruitment and selection with reference to IT companies in Pune region

Gen. Rajeev Mishra

Follower’s (Young Adults) Emotion Regulation and Psychological Wellbeing across leadership styles in Central India: An empirical study

Col. Deoskar

An empirical study of 360-degree M-HRM (Mobile Human Resource Management) security enabled practices in select NASSCOM registered IT/ITES companies in Pune Region

Mr. Sandeep Waykole

‘A Comparative Study of Project Organization Structure and Problems Faced during New Product Development by Tier 1 and Tier 2 Suppliers in Indian Automotive Sector’: Literature Review ‘A Comparative Study of Project Organization Structure and Problems Faced during New Product Development by Tier 1 and Tier 2 Suppliers in Indian Automotive Sector’: Data Analysis and Results

Col Soni

Analysis of disaster management in oil industry in PSE with respect to Gujrat state

Ms. Deepali Bhalerao

Study the Impact of Gamification on Career Selection for Graduation

Mr. Avinash Kajare

Identification and Implementation of Engineering Graduates Employability Skills in Pune IT Industry

Mr. Vinod Madanlal Charawande

Impact of Knowledge Management in Higher Educational Institutes in Pune City.

Mr. Prakash Wagh

Study of impact of digital transformation for customer experience for four-wheeler segment in Pune City.

Ms. Anupa Sekhar Dash

Study of Sentiment Analysis through Machine learning in predicting Indian stock market trends

Mr. Vikas R Gangadhar

Study on impact of cloud adoption in small and medium enterprises in Pune

Mr. Sujit Phunde

Critical Analysis of Practicing Value Management in Projects of Construction Equipment Industry

Ms. Sanchita Kumar

A study of impact of HR Analytics in Decision-making In-Home Appliances manufacturing industry in Pune

Mr. Nitin Vilas Tonapi

A comprehensive study of the impact of artificial intelligence on the IT industry and IT enabled services

Mr. Harshad Ravindra Wagh

Study the opportunities and challenges to prevent the wastage in food supply chain in Western Maharashtra

Mr. Sanjeev Singh

To study the marketing strategies of Startups

Ms. Rakhi Sangale

Study of Accounting methods and practices

Mr. Omprakash Shrimant Kage

Study of HR practices in real estate market

Ms. Pradnya Amit Kashikar

Study the impact of innovation on different industries

Mr. Amar Kumar Choudhary

To study the impact of cloud computing on industries

Ms. Malle Anjana Guruswami

To develop a knowledge management system for schools

Mr. Himanshu Upadhyay

Strategic marketing

Ms. Kalpana Vishwakarma

Study of Human Resource Challenges in MSMEs with special reference to Pune city Literature review on study of human resource challenges in MSMEs with special reference to Pune city Research methodology on HR challenges in Micro, Small, Medium enterprises in Pune Study of Personnel concerns of MSME's in Pune, India

Captain Shashank Jahagirdar

Analyzing the impact of speed reduction on operational performance of merchant vessels for super slow steaming and ship efficiency Issues dealing with changing economic & competitive environment with special reference to sustainability & Indian shipping industry The Study of Shippers and Ship Operator’s Perception about the Impact of Speed Reduction on Operational Performance of Merchant Vessels” An Exploratory study on Literature of Super Slow Steaming on Merchant Vessels.
Indian Shipping Industry - A Revolution

Ms. Harshada Raut

To study the impact of Swadeshi on consumer behavior for FMCG and Wellness products for Pune city Branding India: Does it need repositioning? Santulan Ayurved a Swadeshi road map to Wellness Industry Does ethnocentrism persuade consumers to purchase Swadeshi brands: A literature review Ayurveda Rules Back :An overview of wellness Industry(Under Review) Analyzing The Ethnocentric Behavior Of Consumers For FMGG Products In Pune City 6.Encashing the consumer ethnocentrism to adjust in the new normal of covid-19: An analytical paper comparing pre and post ethnocentric behavior for FMCG products(Abstract Published)

Ms. Meru Das

Role of Emotional intelligence on Work attitudes of Employees: An Empirical Study of Selected IT Companies in Pune Emotional Intelligence: Strategy for improving employee engagement & employer branding The people factor-HR Issues in Logistics "Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence between Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction in Indian IT Sector Emotions Matter! Exploring the Instruments for EI Measures: A Review Effect of employee demography on employee engagement: Empirical Study of IT Employees

Mr. Chandrashekhar Suresh Gokhale

Sizing of Maharaja’s Equity and Value: A Case of Air India Impact of Customer Based Brand Equity on Brand Trust for Indian Airlines Literature Study on antecedents of loyalty in Low Cost Domestic Airlines Industry in India Impact of Airlines services quality (AIRQUAL) on Customer’s loyalty with reference to full service and low-cost carriers of Pune and Mumbai.

Ashok Todmal

Role of startups in Re-branding India Start-ups in India: How well have they started?

Kalpana Vishwakarma

Literature review on study of human resource challenges in MSMEs with special reference to pune city Research methodology on HR challenges in Micro, Small, Medium enterprises in Pune Study of Personnel concerns of MSME's in Pune, India

Pramodkumar Tejrao Chopde

A Study of Learing and Development , Work Culture & Leadership as well as Demographic Characterictics of Employess on Engeggement Level of Employess in Telecom Organisation in Pune Factors Influencing Employee Engegement and Different Types of Engeged Employees Factors Influencing Employee Engegement in Telecom Organisation

Sandeep Waykole

‘A Comparative Study of Project Organization Structure and Problems Faced during New Product Development by Tier 1 and Tier 2 Suppliers in Indian Automotive Sector’: Literature Review ‘A Comparative Study of Project Organization Structure and Problems Faced during New Product Development by Tier 1 and Tier 2 Suppliers in Indian Automotive Sector’: Data Analysis and Results

Captain Shashank Jahagirdar

Issues dealing with changing economic & competitive environment woth special reference to sustainability & Indian shipping industry The Study of Shippers and Ship Operator’s Perception about the Impact of Speed Reduction on Operational Performance of Merchant Vessels” An Exploratory study on Literature of Super Slow Steaming on Merchant Vessels. Indian Shipping Industry - A Revolution

Harshada Raut

Branding India : Does it need repositioning ? Santulan Ayurved a Swadeshi road map to Wellness Industry Does ethnocentrism persuade consumers to purchase Swadeshi brands:A literature review Ayurveda Rules Back :An overview of wellness Industry(Under Review) Analyzing The Ethnocentric Behavior Of Consumers For Fmcg Products In Pune City 6.Encashing the consumer ethnocentrism to adjust in the new normal of covid-19: An analytical paper comparing pre and post ethnocentric behavior for FMCG products(Abstract Published)

Meru Das

Emotional Intelligence : Strategy for improving employee engagement & employer branding The people factor-HR Issues in Logistics "Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence between Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction in Indian IT Sector Emotions Matter! Exploring the Instruments for EI Measures: A Review Effect of employee demography on employee engagement : Empirical Study of IT Employees

Chandrashekhar Suresh Gokhale

Sizing Of Maharaja’s Equity And Value: A Case Of Air India Impact of Customer Based Brand Equity on Brand Trust for Indian Airlines Literature Study on antecedents of loyalty in Low Cost Domestic Airlines Industry in Ind

Ms. Bhagyashree Hire

She participated in Global Case Competition organized by Amity University Greater Noida. Her case was titled “Air taxi: Will it take off in India”

Ms. Vidhi Kothiwal and Mr. Nikul Pujari

Research paper titled “STUDENTS PERCEPTION, CONCERN AND AWARENESS TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY” was presented in Research paper writing contest organized by MIT ADT University in Dec 2020

Mr. Mithilesh Lokakshi

Case study written titled “Will Ikea succeed in Pune?”

VAdnan Momin, Darshan Limbada, Netra Kalbhor, Pooja Nanaware, Shashank Sonparote, Sanskruti Dhore, Sukhpreet Rayar, Ankita Kore

Case study written titled “Maggi finished “

Ali Yusuf and Ninad

Case study written titled “Cream Corner: Will it turn the corner?”
  • Model for true sustainability developed by Dr Chhabi Sinha Chavan
  • VUCA psychometric tool by Ms. Hemangi Patel,,Dr Preeti Tilekar and Dr Amol Charegaonkar
  • Critical thinking tool by Ms. Swati Kulkarni,Dr Vivek Singh and Dr Amol Charegaonkar
  • Conceptual Framework showing Effective product positioning and its impact on Newspaper readers as consumers” Dr.Karuna S.Gole, Associate Prof., MIT ADT University, Pune., Dr. E.B. Khedkar, Vice Chancellor, Ajinkya D.Y.Patil Univeristy,Pune
  • Patient: Traffic Intensity Detection: Traffic density detection and Automatic Signal Adjustment using IOT based notification system. Prof Dr. Duresh B. Pathare.
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