Webinar's, Events & News

Faculty Development Programme on Faculty Effectiveness in Learning Outcome based Education arranged by MIT College of Management, MIT Art Design and Technology University, Pune, On 28th January 2022 between 9.30 am. And 4.30 pm. Hon. Dr. Sunita Karad madam emphasized the need of organizing the FDP, she elaborated at length the changing education scenario with the needs of 21st century students and highlighted the initiatives taken up by MIT Art, Design and Technology University Pune, to meet those needs. The first speaker for the FDP Dr. Chhabi Sinha, Professor at MITCOM, started her session on Basic Philosophy of OBE. She stressed on objectives of elaborating basic philosophy and principles of OBE, demystification with regard to intended outcomes of OBE, need of adopting OBE and the contributions of various faculty in Outcome Based Education. Dr. Vivek Singh, the next speaker of the session, emphasized on writing measurable learning outcomes with objectives of making the participants able to articulate specifications of learning outcomes, classify the learning outcomes using Blooms Taxonomy, write or evaluate course learning outcomes for the course and explain how to assess course learning outcomes. The last session was steered by Dr. Meena Bhatia, Associate Professor from BIMTECH New Delhi. Her session was based on objectives of outcome-based education course design, framing of COs and CO-PO mapping and assessment and attainment of Po’s and PSO’s. She had explained the entire process of Designing the course based on OBE starting from Vision Mission and Programme educational objectives Institute, departments and specific programme to assessment and attainment of Po’s and PSO’s with the help of a case.

10th Corporate Relations Club Meeting & MOU signing Ceremony at MITCOM

10th Corporate Relations Club Industry Academia Interaction (MoU Signing Ceremony), which was held on Saturday, 22nd January 2022 at MANET Seminar Hall

4th Floor.
In this MoUs signing ceremony MIT ADT University collaborated with 21 renowned Companies as its industry partner for research & Consultancy Work, Summer Internship Program, Live Projects and Campus Placement.

Organ Donation Camp held on 25/03/2022 at MITCOM
Village Adoption MOU signing 04/01/2022

Guest Lecture by Zelam Choubal, Kesari Tours on 11 Dec 2021

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