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5th National Conference (IGTT- ADTMVSEAFM) 23rd - 25th March 2023

  1. Cdt. Om Narkhede, Cdt. Ankush Agrawal, Cdt. Nikhil Shinde, and Cdt. Harsh Patil
  2. Paper - Pollution Control Technologies in Maritime Environments

  3. Cdt. Khojesh Hedaoo , Cdt. Arkaprabha Kanjilal
  4. Paper- The Ocean Going Autonomous ships

  5. Cdt. Hriday Soni, Cdt. Govind A., Cdt. Khushal Bhagat
  6. Paper - Safety on Tankers by MANET

  7. Cdt. Asmit Jha, Cdt. Vishakh Nandakumar, Cdt. Tulip Nazareth , Cdt. Edwin Santhis
  8. Paper- Pollution Control Technologies in Maritime Environments

  9. Cdt. Sanyam Bhardwaj, Cdt. Arnab Chakravarty
  10. Paper- Ballast Water Treatment -Methods system and Management

Dr. Pratibha Jagtap

  1. English For Diploma Engineers’ Published by Proficient Publication Pune- 2009-10
  2. Communication Skills for Diploma Engineers’ Published by Vision Publications Pune- 2012,2013,2014
  3. (
  4. Textbook of English’ for MSBTE 2011
  5. ‘Textbook of Communication Skills’ for MSBTE, Mumbai, 2016
  6. Papers Written and Presented (Name of conference/ Venue/ date):
  7. ‘Knowledge management: perception and application’, a National conference at Amoghsiddhi Education Society, Sangli, October 2006
  8. ‘Development of the Language and Culture; In urban Indian context’, International Conference on Language, Literature and Culture,10-12 December 2012
  9. ‘Impact of changing Social Media on Communication’, paper presented in 7th National Conference at Symbiosis, 10-11 February,2017
  10. Understanding the Role of Facebook Groups in Women Entrepreneurship Development: A case study of ‘PULA’; (Facebook Group called as Pune Ladies) Presented at: International E Conference on Adapting to the New Business Normal – The way ahead December 3-4, 2020 Mysuru, India Published at: ISBN: 978-93-83302-47-5
  11. Influence of usage of social media with special reference to Pune Ladies (PULA) on business development and growth of Pune women entrepreneurs
  12. Presented at: National Conference on & Phygital: The Way Forward organized by MKSSS Smt. Hiraben Nanavati Insitute of Management and Research for Women Pune in association with ISTD Pune Chapter, Published at: ISSN: 2319 9318 Vidyawarta Online journal 2021 MAH MUL/03051/2012, Peer-Reviewed International Journal, July to Sept. 2021 Special Issue
  13. “Use of Social Media by Women Entrepreneurs: A Review” Presented at: A national Conference organized by MIT ADT University Pune Published at: Design Engineering ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 9 | Pages: 9299 – 9306
  14. “Facebook as a Tool for Fostering Digital Entrepreneurship: A Review” Presented paper in Paradigm Shift In Business Management: Emerging Trends & Competitive Strategies , organized by Dr D Y Patil Institute of Management Studies (DYPIMS) on 4-5 February 2022

Prof. Pramod K. B.

  1. International paper on Technological and Economic Advancement of Tug Boats in IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) 2016
  2. Presented a Poster at National Conference –OSICON-17 at NCESS, Trivandrum’ Prepared Cost Estimate of O.R.V Sagar Kanya Replacement vessel - Project of NCAOR, Dept. of Ocean Development, Govt. of India.
  3. Cost Estimation Techniques in Shipbuilding and Productivity Enhancement Techniques in Indian Shipyards,Sponsored by Ministry of Shipping, Govt. of India.

Prof. Govind Ghule

  1. Ghule G., Ambhore N., “Tool Condition Hard Turning: A review”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology, VIIT, Pune, February 17th and 18th, 2017.
  2. Ghule G., Ambhore N., Chinchanikar S., “Tool Condition Monitoring using Vibration Signals during Turning: An ANN Approach”, MECHPGCON-2017 held at ZCOER, Pune, 20nd and 21st June, 2017.
  3. Govind Ghule, N.H. Ambhore, Satish Chinchanikar, “Tool Condition Monitoring using Vibration Signals during Turning of Hardened Steel: A review”, International Conference on Advances in Thermal Systems,Materials and Design Engineering, ASTMDE- 2017, VJTI, Mumbai, December 21st and 22nd, 2017.
  4. Govind S. Ghule, Sudarshan Sanap, “Ultrasonic Vibrations Assisted Turning (UAT): A Review”, Advances in Engineering Design, Proceedings of FLAME, 2021, 275.
  5. Govind S. Ghule, Sudarshan Sanap, “A Bibliometric Analysis of Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Turning”, Library Philosophy and Practice, 2021, 1-14.
  6. Govind S. Ghule, S. Sanap, S. Adsul, S Chinchanikar, M Gadge, "Experimental investigations on the ultrasonic vibration-assisted hard turning of AISI 52100 steel using coated carbide tool", Materials Today: Proceedings 68, 2093-2098, 2022.
  7. Govind S. Ghule, Avez Shaikh, Sudarshan Sanap, Satish Chinchanikar, "Comparative evaluation of modal and harmonic analysis of stepped horn for ultrasonic vibration assisted turning", Smart Innovations and Technological Advancements in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, CRC press, AAP Publication, 2022.
  8. Published Book: Dr. Satish Chinchanikar, Pratik Kulkarni, Govind Ghule, "Modern Machining Processes", Tech Knowledge Publication, SPPU.
  9. PATENT Publication: Design and Development of an ultrasonic vibration-assisted turning tooling fixture for hard machining, Application Number: 202221004356.


  1. Agro- Vision: Android based Solution for Regional Farming- International Journal for Technologic al Research in Engineering (IJTRE), Volume 4,Issue 11, July 2017

Prof.(Mrs.) Vrushali Rampure

  1. “A Technique to Improve Image Quality in Computed Tomography ”, National conference on “Innovations in Engineering & Management” Indira college of Engineering & Management.
  2. “Classification, Detection & Segmentation in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images using Deep Learning: A Survey”, Smart IOE International conference (14 th January 2019), organised by MIT School of Engineering, MIT ADT University, Pune.
  3. “ Video summarization approaches in wireless capsule endoscopy : A review”, EVF2019 : International Conference on Energy & City of the Future, organised by MIT School of Engineering, MIT ADT University, Pune.

Prof. Rajesh Jagtap

  1. Agro- Vision: Android based Solution for Regional Farming, International Journal for Technologic al Research in Engineering (IJTRE), Volume 4,Issue 11, July 2017

Prof. (Mrs.) Nilambari Jadhav

  1. Impact Of Climate On Irrigation Engineering Practice- Paper presentation on 24.01.2019 to 25.01.2019

Prof.(Mrs.) Archana Bhange

  1. Presented paper, ‘Water Plane Area and TPC in Ship Stability’, in conference Recent Trends in Mathematics, organised by Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Tuljapur on July 15-16, 2016.
  2. Presented paper, ‘Application of Numerical Integration in Ship Stability’, in National Level Seminar on Recent Development in Mathematics, organised by Rajashri Shahu Arts, commerce and science College Pathri, Aurangabad on Jan 24, 2017.
  3. Presented paper, ‘Simpson’s Rules and its Application in Ship Stability’, in Recent Advances in Mathematics, organised by Yogeshwari Mahavidyalaya Ambajogai on Feb 10-11 2017.
  4. Presented paper, ‘Simpson’s Rules and Its Application in Ship Stability’, in International Conference On Innovative Research in Engineering, Science, Management and Humanities, organised by Institution of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineers, Lodhi Road, Delhi on Feb 19, 2017.
  5. Presented paper, ‘Colouring of Graphs by HB Colour Matrix Algorithm Method’, in International conference on mathematics and data sciences, organised by National School of Applied Science(ENSA) Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Khouribga, Morocco on June 29-30 2020.
  6. Presented paper, ‘Relation between Perfect Colouring and Chromatic Number for Snake Graph Family’, in First Doctoral Symposium on Natural Computing Research (DSNCR-2020) organised by Smt. Kashibai Navale, College of Engineering, Pune on Aug 8 2020.
  7. Presented paper, ‘Perfect Colouring of graphs with its Kinds’, in Senatik-The 5th Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, organised by Prodi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia on Aug 12-13 2020.
  8. Published paper with title ‘α, β Colouring of Graphs and Related Aspects’ in UGC journal, ‘Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN-2349-5162, UGC Approved Journal no. 63975, in 2019.
  9. Published paper with title ‘Perfect Colouring of graphs with its Kinds’ in SCOPUS indexed journal, ‘IOP: Journal of physics: conference series, UK Vol 1663, 2020, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1663/1/012024, in 2020.
  10. Published paper with title ‘Perfect coloring of corona product of cycle graph with cycle, path and null graph’ in SCOPUS indexed journal, ‘Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal Volume 9, issue 12’ ISSN: 1857-8365, in 2020.
  11. Published paper with title ‘Colouring of Graphs by HB Colour Matrix Algorithm Method’ in SCOPUS indexed journal, ‘IOP: Journal of physics: conference series, UK, Vol 1743, 2021, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1743/1/012010, in 2021.
  12. Published paper with title ‘PCCP of wheel graph family with null, chain, fan and cycle graph’ in SCOPUS indexed journal, ‘Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science’, DOI:, in Feb 2021.
  13. Published paper with title ‘Relation between Perfect Colouring And Chromatic Number For Snake Graph Family’ in SCOPUS indexed journal, ‘Proceeding of First Doctoral Symposium on Natural Computing Research, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 169, Springer,, in 2021.

Prof. (Mrs.) Tejaswini Yadav

  1. Paper presented at International Conference on Smart IoE, MIT-SOE, MIT-ADT University.
  2. Title: Review on Face Recognition System Based on Age Progression 14th and15th January, 2019

  3. Paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology- VISHWACON 2020 organized by VIIT,Pune on 28th Nov,2020.
  4. Title: Survey on face recognition over age progression

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