MIT Art, Design and Technology University is a next generation University (established in 2016) with a strong research and innovation culture across all its institutes in a short duration of time,
Students and Faculties are involved in basic and applied Research.
Students right from SY work on projects significant for society/industry.
250+ Value added programs/workshops with hands-on experience conducted regularly to ensure students gain knowledge and skill in latest technologies.
200+ programs on Entrepreneurship, Innovation & IPR conducted regularly.
Centre for Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurship for Young Aspirants (CRIEYA) established for promoting/seed funding student projects with market potential.
Grant of 3 crore set aside for seed funding through CRIEYA department
MITADT University has established the Institutions Innovation Council (IIC) approved by MHRD.
IIC-MITADTU rated 5 star IIC during the academic year 2019-20.
IIC-MITADTU has been top rated with 4-star rating for AY 2020-21.
IIC-MITADTU ranked in top 50 in India and top 5 in Maharashtra during AY 2019-20.
University ranked in top 50 innovative private university category in innovation ranking for ARIIA-2020 national rankings by MHRD.
200+ sessions by experts/entrepreneurs/IPR sessions for students and staff of the University etc organized in the last 2 years.
250+ copyrights registered by the University.
125+ patents filed by University institutes (National & International applications).
11 patents granted out of which 5 are international patents (1 European and 4 US patents).
1000+ publications by staff/students of MITADT University.
National and International conferences are organized regularly by various institutes of the University where eminent National and International personalities are invited.
A 3-day International conference on Energy and City of the future (EVF 2019) was organized in collaboration with ECAM-EPMI in December 2019, Nobel laureate Geoffery Levermore was invited as the chief guest for this conference and papers from more than 10 countries across the globe from Africa, France, Russia, USA were received for this conference.
Around 100+ papers received for the conference and 85 were published in the proceedings in the open access e3s conference online.
The proceedings were published in Scopus indexed E3S web of series conference in March, 2020.
Former ISRO Chairman Dr. Kiran Kumar is part of the Board of Management of the University.
MITADT University has established the Atal Incubation Center (AIC) approved by Niti Ayog.
AIC is mandated to incubate start-ups in socially significant technologies.
55 start-ups incubated at AIC-MITADTU including students/faculties/alumni of MITADT University.
Start-ups registered at AIC-MITADTU have registered a turnover of 4.2 Cr for the FY 2019-20 and 15+ Cr for 2020-21.
Department of Biotechnology (DBT) under the BIRAC fund scheme have funded to 2 startups incubated at AIC-MITADTU mentored by MITADT faculties with total 1 cr of funding.
Drone Start-up registered at AIC-MITADT by fresh graduate engineers Ganesh Thorat and Mihir Kedar have received various National awards.
Various University level, state level and International project competitions organized by IIC and various departments/institutes of the university like code break 1.0, code break 2.0, National Innovation Contest (2020), University level hackathon, Hackathon Atmanirbhar Bharat (HAB-59) to replicate 59 Chinese Apps banned by Indian government.
Office of Director (RDC) is entrusted for monitoring progress of Research and consultancy across all institutes.
250+ Research Scholars enrolled across all MITADT institutes since January, 2017.
35 Research Scholars completed PhD during February 2021 Convocation.
Policy for Research and Consultancy framed in October 2020 with various incentives for faculties involved in research and consultancy to promote and motivate staff and students across University to do research and consultancy projects.
Faculties working on various prestigious projects funded by DRDO (funding of 44 lacs) and other central government and private organizations like Tech Mahindra, Central Grape Research Institute, Pune.
Students from the MIT School of Bioengineering have secured bronze medal at prestigious iGEM 2019 award held at Boston USA.
300+ MoUS signed by various schools of the University with industry/national universities/International Universities/institutes,
University has following laboratories supported by Industry partners,
Computing lab supported in CSE department by Apple.
Makerspace at AIC-MITADTU funded by Niti Ayog.
Automotive clay sculpting studio at MIT IoD supported by Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM).
Solar lab in Mechanical Engineering supported by Shunya Solar PV company.