Total Papers By MITADT Faculties MITADT Faculties Papers In Last 5 Years Total Citations Of MITADT Faculties Citations Of MITADT Faculties In Last 5 Years H-Index H-Index In Last 5 Yrs Total I10 Index Publications Total I10 Index Publications In Last 5 Years
Considering all publications by faculty 1313 654 9633 7102 45 14 207 177
Faculty with Maximum/Highest no Dr. V. K. Bhojwani (75) Dr. V. K. Bhojwani (54) Dr. K. V. Swamy (897) Dr. K. V. Swamy (540) Dr. K. V. Swamy (15) Dr. K. V. Swamy (14) Dr. Renu Vyas (18) Dr. K. V. Swamy (15)
Er. Abhijeet A. Galatage
Title: Evaluating Seismic Efficiency of Combination of Bracing for Steel Building
Journal: International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology
Anil kumar Sathe & Sudarshan Sanap
Title: Augmentation of Thermal Performance of Plate Fin Heat Sink
Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
Anil kumar Sathe & Sudarshan Sanap
Title: Free convection heat transfer analysis of slitted fin heat sink of vertical orientation using CFD
Journal: International Journal of Ambient energy
Anil kumar Sathe & Sudarshan Sanap
Title: Experimental analysis of effect of slitted rectangular fins on heat sink under natural convection heat transfer
Journal: International Journal of Ambient energy
Anilkumar Sathe, Sudarshan Sanap, Sunil Dingare, Narayan Sane
Title: Investigation of Thermal Performance of Modified Vertical Rectangular Fin Array in Free Convection using Experimental and Numerical Method
Journal: Investigation of Thermal Performance of Modified Vertical Rectangular Fin Array in Free Convection using Experimental and Numerical Method
Mohan Kulkarni, Sunil Dingare , Chandrakant Kulkarni
Title: Noval concept of utilizing geometrically taper receiver and solar cycloidal concentrator system for enhancing efficiency of solar concentrating system.
Journal: Elsevier : "Materials today Proceedings"
R.Deshmukh, Sudarshan Sanap
Title: Elastic Properties Evaluation of Glass/Jute/Polyester Hybrid Composite by Using Laminator Software
Journal: Journal of Xidian University
V. Raut & R. Gunjan
Title: Video Summarization approaches in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy: A review
Journal: E3S Web of Conferences
S. Karbhari & R. Gunjan
Title: A survey of cyber security operations based on Machine learning & Deep learning
Journal: Universal Review Journal
Er. Abhijeet A. Galatage
Title: Performance of Hollow Sections with and without Infill Under Compression and Flexure
Journal: International Journal Of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI)
Amrin Maria Khan Adawadkar, Dr. Nilima Kulkarni
Title: A Panoramic Survey on Reinforcement Learning in the Cyber-Security Domain
Journal: Elsevier-Journal of Neurocomputing
Nagesh Jadhav, Dr. RekhaSugandhi
Title: Multi-model Ensemble Weighted Voting Approach for Face Emotion Recognition with Deep Machine Learning and Inductive Transfer
Journal: International Journal on Emerging Technologies
Yogesh Nagpal Dr. AsawariBhave - Gudipudi
Title: A Study on Lean Management and Wastes in Education Industry
Journal: A Study on Lean Management and Wastes in Education Industry
Chitra Dandawate Dr. AsawariBhave - Gudipudi
Title: Psychological roots of game based foreign language learning as a foreign language.
Journal: ISBN: 978-93-88630-94-8 Bloomsbury
Pashmeena Tarale
Title: Pedagogy for Introductory Design Studio: A Qualitative Exploration of Architecture Design Student Learning Experience
Journal: Proceedings of the International Conference on Architecture, Built Environment & Urban Planning 2018 ISBN 978-93-86435-55-2
Manoj Apte
Title: Cooperative Learning techniques to bridge gaps in academia and corporate
Journal: Procedia Computer Science, 9th World Engineering Education Forum, WEEF 2019
Kalpana Vishwakarma and Dr. Vivek Singh
Title: HR challenges in Micro, Small, Medium enterprises in Pune”
Journal: International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research
Pramod Kumar and Dr. Vivek Singh
Title: Factors Influencing Employee Engagement in Telecom Organizations
Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research
Kalpana Vishwakarma and Dr. Vivek Singh
Title: Study of human resource challenges in MSMEs with special reference to Pune Maharashtra, India
Journal: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews
Pramod Kumar and Dr Vivek Singh
Title: Emotional Intelligence Strategy for improving employee engagement & employer branding
Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research
Meru Gupta and Dr. Vivek Singh
Title: Factors Influencing Employee Engagement & Different Types of Engaged Employees
Journal: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews
Ramesh Shelar & Dr. Chhabi Sinha Chavan
Title: Transformation of Waste to Cash with by SWM in Western Region of Maharashtra
Journal: Test Engineering and Management (ISSN: 0193-4120 ) (Scopus indexed)
Harshada Raut & Dr. Chhabi Sinha Chavan
Title: Does ethnocentrism persuade customers to prefer Swadeshi products : A literature review of concept of consumer ethnocentrism in Indian context
Journal: International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management
Sandeep Waykole, Dr. Mahesh Deshpande, Dr. Manasi Bhatt
Title: A comparative study of Project Organization Structure and problems faced during New Product Development by Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers in Indian Automotive Sector
Journal: International journal of Management and Commerce Innovation
Sandeep Waykole, Dr. Mahesh Deshpande, Dr. Manasi Bhatt
Title: A comparative study of Project Organization Structure and problems faced during New Product Development by Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers in Indian Automotive Sector
Journal: MERC Global’s International Journal of Management
Naresh Ghorpade & H. R. Bhapkar
Title: Evaluation and Performance Analysis of Brain MRI Segmentation Methods
Journal: International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, ISSN
Naresh Ghorpade & H. R. Bhapkar
Title: Graph Partitioning Using Metaheuristic Techniques
Journal: International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology ISSN
Naresh Ghorpade & H. R. Bhapkar,
Title: Enhanced N- Cut based Watershed model for Brain MRI Segmentation
Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
A A Bhange & H R Bhapkar
Title: α, β Colouring of Graphs and Related Aspects
Journal: Journal Of Emerging Technologies And Innovative Research
Rucha Wadapurkar & Renu Vyas
Title: Computational analysis of next generation sequencing data and its applications in clinical oncology
Journal: Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, Elsevier
Rucha Wadapurkar, Deepali Ghorpade, Renu Vyas
Title: Big Data Analytics for Handling NGS Data and Its Applications in Identifying Cancer Mutations
Journal: Advances in Bioengineering Springer book
Navya Sethu, Renu Vyas
Title: Design and development of biosensing systems for antibiotics detection: A review
Journal: (to be communicated)
Agrawal N. V. & Patil N. A
Title: Enzyme Technology Prospects and Their Biomedical Applications
Journal: Advances in Bioengineering, Springer, Singapore
Agrawal N. V. & Patil N. A
Title: Diversity, polyphasic analysis and enzyme profiling of bacteria from unexplored mangrove sediments of Vasai creek, India
Journal: Journal of Basic microbiology, Wiley
Neeta Sharma
Title: Early Childhood Care and Education with Special Focus on Equality of the Girl Child.
Journal: AMIERJISSN-2278-5655
Nidhi Pandey
Title: Effect of Parental Involvement on Behaviour Adjustment of Adolescents.
Journal: AnusandhanAnveshika ISSN 2230-9179
Prathamesh Nadkarni
Title: Study of Parameters of Platform Skills Training Module in Corporates
Journal: 2456-8880
Minal Mishra
Title: Ethical issues and challenges in online teaching and learning process
Journal: Online National seminar. IITE Gandhinagar
Capt Shashank Jahagirdar, Dr. Chhabi Sinha Chavan and Dr. Capt Ashutosh Apandkar
Title: The Study of Shippers and Ship Operator’s Perception about the Impact of Speed Reduction on Operational Performance of Merchant Vessels
Journal: Our heritage journal
Ashok Todmal and Dr. Chhabi Sinha Chavan
Title: Start Ups in India: How well have they started ?
Journal: DYPIMS research journal,
Nidhi Pandey
Title: Effect of Teachers' Involvement on Behaviour Adjustment of Boys and Girls during Adolescent Years
Journal: The Research Journal(TRJ) ISSN(online) 2454-4930,ISSN(print) 2454-7301
Capt Shashank Jahagirdar, Dr. Chhabi Sinha Chavan and Dr. Captain Ashutosh Apandkar
Title: An Explorative Study on Literature of Super Slow Streaming Strategy in Merchant Vessels
Journal: International association of scientific innovation and research
Shere P.D., Sahni P., Devkatte A.N.
Title: Quality evaluation and storage stability of spinach puree enriched instant noodles
Journal: Indian Journal of Ecology
Neeta Sharma
Title: The Police and its Role in Controlling Crimes against Women
Journal: Ajanta Prakashan ISSN-2277-57
Ghadage S. R., Mane K. A., Agrawal R. S. and Pawar V. N.
Title: Tomato Lycopene: Potential Health Benefits (Review paper)
Journal: The Pharma Innovation Journal NAAS Rating: 5.03
Rajshekhar G Rathod, Dr. Kishore Ravande
Title: Soil stabilization by using coarse grain crush sand and pavement design for same.
Journal: 2018 International Conference on Smart City and Emerging Technology (ICSCET) IEEE
Er. Abhijeet A. Galatage & Dr. Satish B. Patil
Title: Incremental Dynamic Analysis of RC Framed Structures by Adopting Site Specific Data
Journal: International Conference On Innovative Realms In Civil Engineering (IC-IRICE- 2018)
Aniket D Patil & Dr. Kishore Ravande
Title: Use of SAPs in concrete as internal curing agent – A review.
Journal: International Conference on Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Engineering & Technology (ICMPET-2019) & International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S11, September 2019
Rajkumar Deshmukh, SudarshanSanap
Title: Processing and Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of a Composite Material for Orthopaedic Bone Fracture Fixation Plates
Journal: 4th International Conference on Industrial Engineering ICIE 2017
Rajkumar Deshmukh, Sudarshan Sanap
Title: A Review on Efforts of Reducing the Stress Shielding Effect for Orthopedic Bone Plates
Journal: International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering &Technology (ICRIET-19)
Anilkumar Sathe, Sudarshan Sanap, Sunil Dingare, Narayan Sane
Title: Thermal Analysis of Vertical Plate Fin Heat Sink
Journal: E3S Web of Science Conferences, France (eISSN: 2267-1242)
Prashant Patunkar, Sunil Dingare and Virendra Bhojwani
Title: A Review of Recent Experimental and Theoretical Research of Dew Point EvaporativeCoolers
Journal: E3S Web of Science Conferences, France (eISSN: 2267-1242)
Shrikant Gunjal, Sudarshan Sanap
Title: A review on some investigations into sustainable machining techniques
Journal: E3S Web of Science Conferences, France (eISSN: 2267-1242)
Shrikant U. Gunjal, Sudarshan B. Sanap, Nilesh G. Patil
Title: Role of cutting fluids under minimum quantity lubrication: An experimental investigation of chip thickness
Journal: Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier)
Shrikant U.Gunjal, Sudarshan B. Sanap, LaxmanJadhav, Nilesh G.Patil
Title: Role of bio-cutting fluids under minimum quantity lubrication: An experimental investigation of a sustainable machining technique
Journal: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (Springer)
Govind S. Ghule, Sudarshan Sanap
Title: Ultrasonic Vibrations Assisted Turning (UAT): A Review
Journal: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (Springer)
Rajshekhar G Rathod, Dr. Kishore Ravande
Title: Impact of Crushed Sand on the properties of Black Cotton Soil.
Journal: International Conference on Research Advancements in Applied Engineering Sciences, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICRAAESCCT – 2018) International Journal of Engineering & Technology ,7 (3.29) (2018)
Mohan Kulkarni, Sunil Dingare, Chandrakant Kulkarni
Title: A comparative study and graphical analysis in designing and operation of Solar Thermal circular concentrator for enhancing efficiency of solar concentrating system
Journal: E3S Web of Science Conferences, France (eISSN: 2267-1242)
Ashish Patil, Mangesh Dhavalikar, Sunil Dingare and Virendra Bhojwani
Title: Design and prototyping of dual axis solar tracking system for performance enhancement of solar photo- voltaic power plant
Journal: E3S Web of Science Conferences, France (eISSN: 2267-1242)
Suraj Bhoyar, Virendra Bhojawani, Sudarshan Sanap
Title: Parametric Design and Comparative Analysis of a Special Purpose Flexure Spring
Journal: E3S Web of Science Conferences, France (eISSN: 2267-1242)
Vidyanand Joshi and Dr. Vivek Singh
Title: A Study On Stress Management With Special Reference To Software Developers From IT Companies In Pune Region of Maharashtra
Journal: 3rdinterntional Conference proceedings on evidence based management
Chandrasekhar Gokhale and Dr. Chhabi Sinha Chavan
Title: Sizing of Maharaja's equity and value: A Case of Air India
Journal: 3rdinterntional Conference proceedings on evidence based management
Ramesh Shelar and Dr. Chhabi Sinha Chavan
Title: Transformation of Waste to Cash with by SWM in Western Region of Maharashtra
Journal: International conference on Environment
V. Raut & R. Gunjan
Title: Video Summarization approaches in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy: A review
Journal: 6thInternational Conference on Energy & City of the Future (EVF'2019)
V. Raut, R. Gunjan
Title: Classification, Detection and Segmentation in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images using Deep Learning: A Survey
Journal: International Conference on Smart Internet of Everything (Smart IoE-2019)
Suruchi Dedgaonkar; Rajneeshkaur Sachdeo - Bedi
Title: Technology Support for Autistic People A survey
Journal: Control And Automation (ICCUBEA)
Suruchi Dedgaonkar, Dr. Rajneesh Kaur Sachdeva- Bedi, Kunil Kothari, Riya Loya , Dr. Suneel Godbole
Title: Role of IoT and ML for autistic people
Journal: Web of Science : International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking
Chaitali Chandan Khede, Dr. Rajneesh Kaur Sachdev
Title: Character Recognition using MODI script: Facts, challenges and its future
Journal: International Journal of advanced Science and Technology(scopus index)
Saraswati Nagtilak, Dr. Sunil Rai, Dr. Rohini Kale
Title: Internet of Vehicles: Layered Architecture and Research Challenges
Journal: IEEE Global Conference on Wireless Computing and Networking (GCWCN)
Saraswati Nagtilak, Dr. Sunil Rai, Dr. Rohini Kale
Title: Internet of Things: A Survey on Distributed Attack Detection in IoT using Deep Learning Approach
Journal: International Conference on Computational Science and Application Springer
Tejaswini Dipak Yadav, Dr. RajneeshkaurSachdeo- Bedi
Title: Review on Face Recognition system based on Age Progression
Rajshekhar G Rathod, Dr. Kishore Ravand
Title: Literature Research on a Different Types Soil Stabilization Techniques
Journal: International Conference on Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Engineering & Technology (ICMPET-2019) International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S11, September 2019
Pranav More, Dr. RekhaSugandhi
Title: A Review on Systematic Investigation of Leukocyte Identification and Classification Techniques for Microscopic Blood Smear
Journal: International Conference on Multidisciplinary Technologies & Challenges in Industry 4.0 ICMTCI - 4.0
Pradnya Kulkarni, Dr. SunilRai, Dr. Rohini Kale
Title: Recommender eLeraningSystem: a survey
Journal: International Conference on Computational Science and Application Springer
Pradnya Kulkarni, Dr. SunilRai, Rashmi Phatak, Bela Shende
Title: Recommendation system for enhancing eLeraning using Deep Learning
Journal: IEEE PuneCon
Capt. Shashank Jahagirdar, Dr Chhabi Sinha Chavan & Dr Captain Ashutosh Apandkar
Title: The Study of Shippers and Ship Operator’s Perception about the Impact of Speed Reduction on Operational Performance of Merchant Vessels
Journal: National Conference on “ The Dynamics of Shift in Busines models in modern era “
Meru Das & Dr Vivek Singh
Title: The People factor HR Issues in logistics
Journal: Logistics Conclave
Ashok Todmal & Dr. Chhabi Sinha Chavan
Title: Role of start-ups in rebranding India
Journal: Lexipedia on Marketing Conclave
Harshada Raut & Dr. Chhabi Sinha Chavan
Title: Branding India : Does it need repositioning ?
Journal: Lexipedia on Marketing Conclave
A A Bhange & H R Bhapkar
Title: α , β Colouring of Dutch windmill graph and diamond graphs
Journal: National conference on emerging trends in mathematical sciences
Updhyay A., Belsare M., Bodage S., Dr. Ghode R.
Title: To understand student’s preferences to study media programs in private universities in Pune city
Journal: Communication Media
Rajendra Thakre
Title: Color Perception for Signage Design in Indian
Journal: 7th National Conference on Visual Art
Ghodke S.V. & Pawar V. N
Title: Development of innovative curcumin fortified soy base guava beverage
Journal: Conference proceedings of National conference on Emerging Trends for Development of Functional Food
Mane K. A. & Pawar V. N.
Title: Study on Development and Quality of Whey base Fruit Beverage using Tomato Puree
Journal: 2nd National conference of Innovative trends in Agri and Food Business Management
JJ Jankar, VN Pawar and AK Sharma
Title: Surface coating of Thompson Seedless grapes with guar gum- green tea extract for quality
Journal: Progressive Horticulture Conclave (2019) on futuristic technologies in Horticulture, Lucknow
Mangalsing Pawar, HozefaHathiyari, Ajaykumar Sharma and Vasant Pawar
Title: “Study on Drying Characteristics of Grape Raisins By Using Different Drying Methods”
Journal: Studies in Indian Place Names
Dagadkhair R.A,JananiP., RaichurkarS.J., PreethiP
Title: Tannins reduction in cashew apple juice by techno-economically potent food grade materials
Journal: UGC, MHRD, TEQIP-III sponsored one day national seminar on ‘Process intensification in Chemical, Food and Allied Industries’
No Title of the Paper Name of Authors from MITADT Name of Journal Year of Publication Publisher weblink Scopus Wos Affiliation
1 Examining the impact of magnetic field on fuel economy and emission reduction in IC engines V. Bhojwani International Journal of Ambient Energy 43 (1), 678-684 2022 Taylor and Francis Examining the impact of magnetic field on fuel economy and emission reduction in I.C. engines: International Journal of Ambient Energy: Vol 43, No 1 ( yes no Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT Art Design and Technology University, Pune
2 Modal Analysis of Special Type of Flexure Bearing for Space Application Suraj Bhoyar, Virendra Bhojwani, Ganesh Khutwad, Gaurav Sawant, Jay Lad and Stephen Sabastian Smart Technologies for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol 1 pp 799–809 2022 Springer     Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT-ADT University, Pune
3 Optimization of material of flexure spring by finite element analysis Virendra K. Bhojwani Materials: Proceedings 2021 Elsevier! yes no Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOR, MITADTU, Loni, Pune
4 Performance Investigation of Mitticool Refrigerator Nishigandha Patel, VK Bhojwani, Sachin Pawar Techno-Societal 2020 pp1051-1061 2021 Springer Link yes no Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOR, MITADTU, Loni, Pune
5 Finite Element Analysis to Predict Performance of Flexure Bearing for Space Application Suraj Bhoyar, Virendra Bhojwani, Ganesh Khutwad, Gaurav Sawant, Jay Lad, Stephen Sebastian Techno-Societal 2020 pp1051-1061 2021 Springer Link yes no Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOR, MITADTU, Loni, Pune
6 SCADA System Applied to Two-Wheeler Chassis Dynamometer Sumedh Vidhate, Virendra Bhojwani, Omkar Mobale Techno-Societal 2020 pp1051-1061 2021 Springer Link yes no Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOR, MITADTU, Loni, Pune
7 Material selection for long life and high durability for special purpose type of flexure bearing Suraj Bhoyar, Virendra Bhojwani, Sudarshan Sahare, Suraj Suryawanshi, Aditya Niphade Materialstoday: Proceedings 2021 Elsevier yes no Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOR, MITADTU, Loni, Pune
8 Review of oil separation technologies used in refrigeration systems Virendra Bhojwani AIP Conference Proceedings 2021 AIP Publishing LLC yes no MITADT University, Pune Maharashtra
9 Design and prototyping of dual axis solar tracking system for performance enhancement of solar photo-voltaic power plant Ashish Patil, Mangesh Dhavalikar, Sunil Dingare, Virendra Bhojwani 6th International Conference on Energy and City of the Future (EVF’2019) 2020 E3S web of Conferences yes no MITADT University, Pune Maharashtra
10 Experimental analysis of Magnetic Field effects on compressor energy saving cooling system V. K. Bhojwani 6th International Conference on Energy and City of the Future (EVF’2019) 2020 E3S web of Conferences yes no MITADT University, Pune Maharashtra
11 A Review of Recent Experimental and Theoretical Research of Dew Point Evaporative Coolers V. K. Bhojwani 6th International Conference on Energy and City of the Future (EVF’2019) 2020 E3S web of Conferences yes no MITADT University, Pune Maharashtra
12 A Study on Performance Enhancement of Parabolic Trough Collector V. K. Bhojwani 6th International Conference on Energy and City of the Future (EVF’2019) 2020 E3S web of Conferences yes no MITADT University, Pune Maharashtra
13 Parametric design and comparative analysis of a special purpose flexure spring S Bhoyar, V Bhojwani, S Sanap 6th International Conference on Energy and City of the Future (EVF’2019) 2020 E3S web of Conferences yes no MITADT University, Pune Maharashtra
14 Comprehensive study on smart cooling techniques used for batteries Amey Ekbote, Mathew Karvinkoppa, Virendra Bhojwani, Naveen Patil 6th International Conference on Energy and City of the Future (EVF’2019) 2020 E3S web of Conferences yes no MITADT University, Pune Maharashtra
15 Normal and shear stress distributed points on thin walled corrugated tubes by conformal transformation technique N. D. Pagar, Bhumeshwar M. Patle, AIP Conference Proceedings 2022 AIP Publishing LLC yes no MITADT University, Pune Maharashtra
16 A Proposed Method for Online Condition Monitoring of Pneumatic Systems Under Different Operating Conditions and Parameters for Optimal Energy Consumption Mangesh N Dhavalikar, Sunil V Dingare, Bhumeshwar K Patle ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2021 American Society of Mechanical Engineers yes no MIT School of Engineering, Loni
17 Topological drone navigation in uncertain environment Bhumeshwar Patle, Shyh-Leh Chen, Brijesh Patel, Sunil Kumar Kashyap, Sudarshan Sanap Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited No Yes Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT ADT University, Pune
18 Metric-Cauchy sequence for wheeled mobile robot navigation BK Patle, S Sanap, A Jha, B Patel, SK Kashyap Materials Today: Proceedings 38, 3213-3219 2021 Elsevier yes no Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT ADT University, Pune
19 Importance of gold nanoparticles for detection of toxic heavy metal ions and vital role in biomedical applications Vinayak A. Dhumale Materials Research Innovations 2021 Taylor & Francis Online yes no Department of Engineering Sciences & Humanities, MIT ADT University, Pune
20 Development of shrimp-based chitosan film and assessment of its mechanical, barrier and antimicrobial properties Yogita Chavan, Jagruti Jankar 6th International Conference on Energy and City of the Future (EVF’2019 2020 E3S Web of Conferences yes no MIT College of Food Technology, MIT ADT University, Pune
21 Molecular docking and simulation studies on SARS-CoV-2 Mpro reveals Mitoxantrone, Leucovorin, Birinapant, and Dynasore as potent drugs against COVID-19 Kiran Bharat Lokhande, Sayali Doiphode, Renu Vyas, K Venkateswara Swamy Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 2021 Taylor & Francis yes yes MIT SBER, MIT ADT University
22 Design and development of advanced biosensing systems for the rapid detection of antibiotics Navya Sethu, Renu Vyas International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 2021 Taylor & Francis yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
23 Computational studies reveal co-occurrence of two mutations in IL7R gene of high-grade serous carcinoma patients Rucha M Wadapurkar, Aruna Sivaram, Renu Vyas Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 2021 Taylor & Francis yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
24 Design of Novel Drug-like Molecules Using Informatics Rich Secondary Metabolites Analysis of Indian Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Divya Karade, Durairaj Vijayasarathi, Narendra Kadoo, Renu Vyas, PK Ingle, Muthukumarasamy Karthikeyan Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 2020 Bentham Science Publishers yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
25 Computational Studies of Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine Metabolites as Possible Candidates for Coronavirus (COVID-19) Treatment Niteen A Vaidya, Renu Vyas Frontiers in Pharmacology 2020 Frontiers yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
26 Big Data Analytics for Handling NGS Data and Its Applications in Identifying Cancer Mutations Rucha M Wadapurkar, Deepali Ghorpade, Renu Vyas Advances in Bioengineering 2020 Springer, Singapore yes No MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
27 Modelling of Protein Complexes Involved in Signalling Pathway for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Sanket Bapat, Saim Momin, Renu Vyas Advances in Bioengineering 2020 Springer, Singapore yes No MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
28 Exploring Energy Profiles of Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs) Using DFT Method Sanket Bapat, Renu Vyas, Muthukumarasamy Karthikeyan Letters in Drug Design & Discovery 2019 Bentham Science Publishers yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
29 Synthesis, Biological Evaluation and Molecular Modeling Studies of Novel Chromone/Aza-Chromone Fused α-Aminophosphonates as Src Kinase Inhibitors S Bapat, N Viswanadh, M Mujahid, Amir Nasrolahi Shirazi, RK Tiwari, Keykavous Parang, M Karthikeyan, M Muthukrishnan, Renu Vyas journal of scientific and industrial research 2019 NISCAIR-CSIR, India yes No MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
30 Identification of potent chromone embedded [1, 2, 3]-triazoles as novel anti-tubercular agents Viswanadh Nalla, Aslam Shaikh, Sanket Bapat, Renu Vyas, M Karthikeyan, P Yogeeswari, D Sriram, M Muthukrishnan Royal Society open science 2018 The Royal Society Publishing yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
31 Computational analysis of next generation sequencing data and its applications in clinical oncology Rucha M Wadapurkar, Renu Vyas Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 2018 Elsevier yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
32 ChemEngine: harvesting 3D chemical structures of supplementary data from PDF files Muthukumarasamy Karthikeyan, Renu Vyas Journal of cheminformatics 2016 BioMed Central yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
33 Building and analysis of protein-protein interactions related to diabetes mellitus using support vector machine, biomedical text mining and network analysis Renu Vyas, Sanket Bapat, Esha Jain, Muthukumarasamy Karthikeyan, Sanjeev Tambe, Bhaskar D Kulkarni Computational biology and chemistry 2016 Elsevier yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
34 Application of Genetic Programming (GP) formalism for building disease predictive models from protein-protein interactions (PPI) data Renu Vyas, Sanket Bapat, Purva Goel, Muthukumarasamy Karthikeyan, Sanjeev S Tambe, Bhaskar D Kulkarni IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 2016 IEEE yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
35 Prediction of Reactivity Ratios in Free Radical Copolymerization from Monomer Resonance–Polarity (Q–e) Parameters: Genetic Programming-Based Models K Shrinivas, Rahul P Kulkarni, Saif Shaikh, Ravindra V Ghorpade, Renu Vyas, Sanjeev S Tambe, S Ponrathnam, Bhaskar D Kulkarni International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 2016 De Gruyter yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
36 An in silico scientific basis for LL‐37 as a therapeutic for Covid‐19 Kiran Bharat Lokhande, Tanushree Banerjee, Kakumani Venkateswara Swamy, Payel Ghosh, Manisha Deshpande Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
37 Probing intermolecular interactions and binding stability of kaempferol, quercetin and resveratrol derivatives with PPAR-γ: docking, molecular dynamics and MM/GBSA approach to reveal potent PPAR- γ agonist against cancer Kiran Bharat Lokhande, Sangeeta Ballav, Rohit Singh Yadav, K Venkateswara Swamy, Soumya Basu Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 2022 Taylor & Francis yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
38 Antioxidant, anti-quorum sensing, biofilm inhibitory activities and chemical composition of Patchouli essential oil: in vitro and in silico approach Afrin Mansuri, Kiran Lokhande, Supriya Kore, Swapnil Gaikwad, Neelu Nawani, K Venkateswara Swamy, Manisha Junnarkar, Sarika Pawar Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 2022 Taylor & Francis yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
39 Molecular docking and simulation studies on SARS-CoV-2 Mpro reveals Mitoxantrone, Leucovorin, Birinapant, and Dynasore as potent drugs against COVID-19 Kiran Bharat Lokhande, Sayali Doiphode, Renu Vyas, K Venkateswara Swamy Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 2021 Taylor & Francis yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
40 Detection of Oncometabolite Nicotine Imine in the Nail of Oral Cancer Patients; Predicted as an Inhibitor of DNMT1 Anwesha D Dutta, Ajay Kumar, Kiran Bharat Lokhande, Manmohan Mitruka, K Venkateswara Swamy, Jayanta K Pal, Sachin C Sarode, Nilesh Kumar Sharma Current Chemical Biology 2021 Bentham Science Publishers yes No MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
41 Mutational analysis in international isolates and drug repurposing against SARS-CoV-2 spike protein: molecular docking and simulation approach Swetha Pulakuntla, Kiran Bharat Lokhande, Pannuru Padmavathi, Meena Pal, Kakumani Venkateswara Swamy, Jayashree Sadasivam, Shri Abhiav Singh, Sree Latha Aramgam, Vaddi Damodara Reddy VirusDisease 2021 Springer India yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
42 Novel Antiproliferative Tripeptides Inhibit AP-1 Transcriptional Complex Ajay Kumar, Jainish Kothari, Kiran Bharat Lokhande, TN Seethamma, K Venkateswara Swamy, Nilesh Kumar Sharma International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics 2021 Springer Netherlands yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
43 Transferrin binding protein-B from Neisseria meningitidis C as a novel carrier protein in glycoconjugate preparation: an in silico approach Abhijeet Karale, Kiran Bharat Lokhande, Niraj Shende, KV Swamy, Rajeev Dhere, Neelu Nawani, Asha Mallya Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 2021 Taylor & Francis yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
44 Novel B, C-ring truncated deguelin derivatives reveals as potential inhibitors of cyclin D1 and cyclin E using molecular docking and molecular dynamic simulation Kiran Bharat Lokhande, Payel Ghosh, Shuchi Nagar, K Venkateswara Swamy Molecular Diversity 2021 Springer International Publishing yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
45 An intracellular tripeptide Arg-His-Trp of serum origin detected in MCF-7 cells is a possible agonist to β2 adrenoceptor Hritik Chandore, Ajay K Raj, Kiran Bharat Lokhande, Krishna Venkateswara Swamy, Jayanta Kumar Pal, Nilesh Kumar Sharma Protein and Peptide Letters 2021 Bentham Science Publishers yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
46 In Silico Exploration of Phytoconstituents From Phyllanthus emblica and Aegle marmelos as Potential Therapeutics Against SARS-CoV-2 RdRp Khushboo Pandey, Kiran Bharat Lokhande, K Venkateswara Swamy, Shuchi Nagar, Manjusha Dake Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 2021 SAGE Publications yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
47 Detection of Nail Oncometabolite SAICAR in Oral Cancer Patients and Its Molecular Interactions with PKM2 Enzyme Rushikesh Patel, Ajay Kumar Raj, Kiran Bharat Lokhande, Mazen A Almasri, Khalid J Alzahrani, Asma Saleh Almeslet, K Venkateswara Swamy, Gargi S Sarode, Sachin C Sarode, Shankargouda Patil, Nilesh Kumar Sharma International journal of environmental research and public health 2021 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
48 A Survey on the Revamped Future of Transport Heena Tamboli, Jyoti Malhotra, Sambhaji Sarode, Shruti Deshpande E3S Web of Conferences 2020 E3S Web of Conferences 170, 03002 (2020) yes No CSE, School of Engineering, MIT ADT University, Pune 
49 Redefining smartness in township with Internet of Things & Artificial Intelligence: Dholera city Raghav Bang, Manish Patel, Vasu Garg, Vishal Kasa, Jyoti Malhotra, Sambhaji Sarode E3S Web of Conferences 2020 EDP Sciences yes No CSE, School of Engineering, MIT ADT University, Pune 
50 Influence of hydrocolloids on quality characteristics, functionality and microstructure of spinach puree–enriched instant noodles PD Shere, Prashant Sahni, AN Devkatte, VN Pawar Nutrition & Food Science 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited yes No MIT College of Food Technology
51 Quality evaluation and storage stability of spinach puree enriched instant noodles Pawar V.N. Shere P.D., Devkatte A.N., Sahni P. Indian Journal of Ecology 2020 INDIAN ECOLOGICAL SOC yes yes MIT College of Food Technology
52 Analysis and Examination of Heart distress from ECG signal using Artificial Intelligence. Leena B Chaudhari, Dhananjay E Upasani E3S Web of Conferences 2020 EDP Sciences yes yes MIT School of Engineering MIT ADT University, Pune
53 Deep learning-based anomaly-onset aware remaining useful life estimation of bearings Pooja Vinayak Kamat, Rekha Sugandhi, Satish Kumar PeerJ Computer Science 2021 PeerJ Inc. yes yes MIT School of Engineering, MIT-ADT University, Pune
54 Tool Wear Prediction in Milling: A comparative analysis based on machine learning and deep learning approaches Pooja V Kamat, Anish Nargund, Satish Kumar, Shruti Patil, Rekha Sugandhi International Journal of Computing and Digital System 2021 University of Bahrain yes No MIT School of Engineering, MIT-ADT University, Pune
55 Data-driven bearing fault detection using hybrid autoencoder-LSTM deep learning approach Pooja Kamat, Rekha Sugandhi, Satish Kumar International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 2021 Inderscience Publishers (IEL) yes Yes MIT School of Engineering, MIT-ADT University, Pune
56 Multi-model hybrid ensemble weighted adaptive approach with decision level fusion for personalized affect recognition based on visual cues Nagesh JADHAV  and Rekha SUGANDHI Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences 2021 POLSKA AKAD NAUK yes Yes MIT-ADT University, Pune
57 Anomaly detection for predictive maintenance in industry 4.0-A survey Pooja Kamat, Rekha Sugandhi E3S web of conferences 2020 EDP Sciences yes No MIT-ADT University, Pune
58 Bibliometric Analysis of Bearing Fault Detection using Artificial Intelligence Pooja Kamat, Rekha Sugandhi Library Philosophy and Practice 2020 Library Philosophy and Practice file:///C:/Users/RKS/Downloads/Finalpublishedpaperbibliometric.pdf yes No MIT School of Engineering MIT ADT University, Pune
59 Survey on Human Behavior Recognition Using Affective Computing Nagesh JADHAV  and Rekha SUGANDHI 2018 IEEE Global Conference on Wireless Computing and Networking (GCWCN) 2018 IEEE yes No Department of Information Technology, MIT School of Engineering, Pune, India
60 A semantic network approach to affect analysis: A case study on depression Rekha Sugandhi, Anjali Mahajan 2017 1st International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Information Management (ICISIM) 2017 IEEE yes No Department of Information Technology, MIT School of Engineering, Pune, India
61 An Investigation on Construction Crisis Framework Based on the CRITIC and WASPAS Methods, a Case Study; Khuzestan province Seyed Ali Mousavi Dehmourdi, M. Gopal Naik, Ravande Kishore International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) 2021 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication An Investigation on Construction Crisis Framework Based on the CRITIC and WASPAS Methods, a Case Study; Khuzestan province (Iran) ( yes No MIT School of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
62 Effect of different aggregates on alkali silica reaction of geopolymer concrete D Annapurna, Ravande Kishore, K Anil International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering 2020 Springer, Cham Effect of Different Aggregates on Alkali Silica Reaction of Geopolymer Concrete | SpringerLink yes No MIT School of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
63 COVID-19 Epidemic Impact on Various Society Sectors M Pawar, J Anuradha, A Pawar, Sudarshan Sanap, Rajneesh Kaur Sachdeo, Kishore Ravande, Jyoti Malhotra, HR Bhapkar, Pranav Pawar Healthcare Informatics for Fighting COVID-19 and Future Epidemics 2022 Springer, Cham COVID-19 Epidemic Impact on Various Society Sectors | SpringerLink yes No MIT School of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
65 Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Agriculture Sector Gitanjali Rahul Shinde, Soumi Majumder, Haribhau R Bhapkar, Parikshit N Mahalle Quality of Work-Life During Pandemic 2022 Springer, Singapore Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Agriculture Sector | SpringerLink yes No MIT School of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
66 Influence of COVID-19 on Quality of Work-Life in Information Technology/Software Industries Gitanjali Rahul Shinde, Soumi Majumder, Haribhau R Bhapkar, Parikshit N Mahalle Quality of Work-Life During Pandemic 2022 Springer, Singapore Influence of COVID-19 on Quality of Work-Life in Information Technology/Software Industries | SpringerLink yes No MIT School of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
67 Influence of COVID-19 on Quality of Work-Life in Real Estate Sector Gitanjali Rahul Shinde, Soumi Majumder, Haribhau R Bhapkar, Parikshit N Mahalle Quality of Work-Life During Pandemic 2022 Springer, Singapore Influence of COVID-19 on Quality of Work-Life in Real Estate Sector | SpringerLink yes No MIT School of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
68 Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education Sector Gitanjali Rahul Shinde, Soumi Majumder, Haribhau R Bhapkar, Parikshit N Mahalle Quality of Work-Life During Pandemic 2022 Springer, Singapore Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education Sector | SpringerLink yes No MIT School of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
69 Exploratory Data Analysis Gitanjali Rahul Shinde, Soumi Majumder, Haribhau R Bhapkar, Parikshit N Mahalle Quality of Work-Life During Pandemic 2022 Springer, Singapore Exploratory Data Analysis | SpringerLink yes No MIT School of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
70 Data Analysis and Mathematical Modeling for COVID-19 Pandemic Gitanjali Rahul Shinde, Soumi Majumder, Haribhau R Bhapkar, Parikshit N Mahalle Quality of Work-Life During Pandemic 2022 Springer, Singapore Data Analysis and Mathematical Modeling for COVID-19 Pandemic | SpringerLink yes No MIT School of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
71 9 - Artificial intelligence-based solutions for COVID-19 M Pawar, A Pawar, Haribhau Bhapkar, J Anuradha, Ravindra Bachate, Ashok Sharma, Suraj Bhoyar, N Shardoor Data Science for COVID-19 2022 Academic Press Artificial intelligence-based solutions for COVID-19 - ScienceDirect yes yes MIT School of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
72 Quality of Work-Life During Pandemic Gitanjali Rahul Shinde, Soumi Majumder, Haribhau R Bhapkar, Parikshit N Mahalle Springer Singapore Pte. Limited 2021 Springer Quality of Work-Life During Pandemic | SpringerLink yes No MIT School of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
73 Colouring of graphs by HB colour matrix algorithm method AA Bhange, HR Bhapkar Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2021 IOP Publishing Colouring of graphs by HB colour matrix algorithm method - IOPscience yes No MIT School of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
74 Colouring of graphs by HB colour matrix algorithm method AA Bhange, HR Bhapkar Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2021 IOP Publishing Colouring of graphs by HB colour matrix algorithm method - IOPscience yes No MIT School of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
75 Revisited COVID-19 mortality and recovery rates: are we missing recovery time period? HR Bhapkar, Parikshit N Mahalle, Nilanjan Dey, KC Santosh Journal of Medical Systems 2020 Springer US Revisited COVID-19 Mortality and Recovery Rates: Are we Missing Recovery Time Period? | SpringerLink yes yes MIT School of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
76 Perfect colouring of the graph with its kinds AA Bhange, HR Bhapkar Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2021 IOP Publishing Perfect colouring of the graph with its kinds - IOPscience yes No MIT School of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
77 Trichoderma asperelloides 5R and Bacillus licheniformis TL-171 reduce epiphytic colonization and post-harvest berry decay due to Cladosporium sp. and improve the shelf life of grapes Yogita Ranade, Pranav Pathak, Indu Sawant, Madhura Chandrashekar, Vijayshree Chavan, Sujoy Saha Tropical Plant Pathology 2022 Springer International Publishing Trichoderma asperelloides 5R and Bacillus licheniformis TL-171 reduce epiphytic colonization and post-harvest berry decay due to Cladosporium sp. and improve the shelf life of grapes | SpringerLink yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
78 Adsorption of congo red using carbon from leaves and stem of water hyacinth: equilibrium, kinetics, thermodynamic studies A Extross, A Waknis, C Tagad, VV Gedam, PD Pathak International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 2022 Springer Berlin Heidelberg Adsorption of congo red using carbon from leaves and stem of water hyacinth: equilibrium, kinetics, thermodynamic studies | SpringerLink yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
79 Fungitoxicity profile of Cladosporium cladosporioides C1, as a leveraging tool for postharvest management of grapes Yogita H Ranade, Pranav D Pathak, Madhura Chandrashekar, Sujoy Saha Biologia 2022 Springer International Publishing Fungitoxicity profile of Cladosporium cladosporioides C1, as a leveraging tool for postharvest management of grapes | SpringerLink yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
80 Adsorptive column studies for removal of acid orange 7 dye using bagasse fly ash Sunil Deokar, Himanshu Patel, Priyanka Thakare, Sanjay Bhagat, Vidyadhar Gedam, Pranav Deepak Pathak Indian Journal of Chemical Technology 2021 NATL INST SCIENCE COMMUNICATION <strong>Adsorptive column studies for removal of acid orange 7 dye using bagasse fly ash</strong> | Deokar | Indian Journal of Chemical Technology (IJCT) yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
81 Analysing the adoption barriers for sustainability in the Indian power sector by DEMATEL approach Vidyadhar V Gedam, Rakesh D Raut, Pragati Priyadarshinee, Sricharan Chirra, Pranav D Pathak International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 2021 Taylor & Francis Full article: Analysing the adoption barriers for sustainability in the Indian power sector by DEMATEL approach ( yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
82 Epiphytic Microbial Diversity of Vitis vinifera Fructosphere: Present Status and Potential Applications Yogita Ranade, Indu Sawant, Sujoy Saha, Madhura Chandrashekar, Pranav Pathak Current Microbiology 2021 Springer US Epiphytic Microbial Diversity of Vitis vinifera Fructosphere: Present Status and Potential Applications | SpringerLink yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
83 Adsorption/desorption, kinetics and equilibrium studies for the uptake of cu (ii) and zn (ii) onto banana peel Sanjay Bhagat, Vidyadhar V Gedam, Pranav Pathak International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 2020 De Gruyter Adsorption/desorption, Kinetics and Equilibrium Studies for the Uptake of Cu(II) and Zn(II) onto Banana Peel ( yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
84 Process of fruit peel waste biorefinery: a case study of citrus waste biorefinery, its environmental impacts and recommendations Saurabh N Joglekar, Pranav D Pathak, Sachin A Mandavgane, Bhaskar D Kulkarni Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2019 Springer Berlin Heidelberg Process of fruit peel waste biorefinery: a case study of citrus waste biorefinery, its environmental impacts and recommendations | SpringerLink yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, MIT ADT University, Pune
85 Iris liveness detection for biometric authentication: A systematic literature review and future directions Smita Khade, Swati Ahirrao, Shraddha Phansalkar, Ketan Kotecha, Shilpa Gite, Sudeep D Thepade Inventions 2021 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Inventions | Free Full-Text | Iris Liveness Detection for Biometric Authentication: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Directions ( yes yes Department of Computer Engineering, MIT Art, Design and Technology University, Pune
86 Survey of Interoperability in Electronic Health Records Management and Proposed Blockchain Based Framework: MyBlockEHR Rahul Ganpatrao Sonkamble, Shraddha P Phansalkar, Vidyasagar M Potdar, Anupkumar M Bongale IEEE Access 2021 IEEE Survey of Interoperability in Electronic Health Records Management and Proposed Blockchain Based Framework: MyBlockEHR | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore yes yes Department of Computer Engineering, MIT Art, Design and Technology University, Pune
87 Online extremism detection: A systematic literature review with emphasis on datasets, classification techniques, validation methods, and tools Mayur Gaikwad, Swati Ahirrao, Shraddha Phansalkar, Ketan Kotecha IEEE Access 2021 IEEE Online Extremism Detection: A Systematic Literature Review With Emphasis on Datasets, Classification Techniques, Validation Methods, and Tools | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore yes yes Department of Computer Engineering, MIT Art, Design and Technology University, Pune
88 A Survey on the Revamped Future of Transport Heena Tamboli, Jyoti Malhotra, Sambhaji Sarode, Shruti Deshpande E3S Web of Conferences 2020 EDP Sciences A Survey on the Revamped Future of Transport | E3S Web of Conferences ( yes No MIT School of Engineering, MIT ADT University, Pune
89 Redefining smartness in township with Internet of Things & Artificial Intelligence: Dholera city Raghav Bang, Manish Patel, Vasu Garg, Vishal Kasa, Jyoti Malhotra, Sambhaji Sarode E3S Web of Conferences 2020 EDP Sciences Redefining smartness in township with Internet of Things &amp; Artificial Intelligence: Dholera city | E3S Web of Conferences ( yes No MIT School of Engineering, MIT ADT University, Pune
90 Similarity and wavelet transform based data partitioning and parameter learning for fuzzy neural network Pramoda Patro, Krishna Kumar, G Suresh Kumar, Gandharba Swain Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 2020 Elsevier Similarity and wavelet transform based data partitioning and parameter learning for fuzzy neural network - ScienceDirect yes yes Department of Mathematics, MIT School of Engineering, MIT Art Design and Technology University
91 Optimized Hybridization of Ant Colony Optimization and Genetic Algorithm (HACOGA) Based Interpretable Intuitive and Correlated-Contours Fuzzy Neural Network Classifier for Abalone Pramoda Patro, Krishna Kumar, G Suresh Kumar Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 2020 American Scientific Publishers Optimized Hybridization of Ant Colony Optimization and Genetic Al...: Ingenta Connect yes No Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, MIT School of Engineering, MIT Art, Design and Technology University
92 Theoretical Analysis of Geometrically Modified Dew Point Evaporative Cooler Prashant Patunkar, Sunil V Dingare ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2021 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Theoretical Analysis of Geometrically Modified Dew Point Evaporative Cooler | IMECE | ASME Digital Collection yes No MIT School of Engineering, Pune
93 A Proposed Method for Online Condition Monitoring of Pneumatic Systems Under Different Operating Conditions and Parameters for Optimal Energy Consumption Anil U Peerapur, Mangesh N Dhavalikar, Sunil V Dingare, Bhumeshwar K Patle ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2021 American Society of Mechanical Engineers A Proposed Method for Online Condition Monitoring of Pneumatic Systems Under Different Operating Conditions and Parameters for Optimal Energy Consumption | IMECE | ASME Digital Collection yes No MIT School of Engineering, Pune
94 Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Tapered Receiver Utilization in Solar Cycloidal Concentrating System for Enhancement of System Efficiency Mohan Kulkarni, Sunil Dingare, Chandrakant Kulkarni international journal of heat and technology 2021
file:///C:/Users/ yes yes MIT School of Engineering, Pune
95 Estimation of relationship between intercept factor and concentration ratio of receiver for solar cycloidal concentrating system Mohan Kulkarni, Sunil Dingare, Chandrakant Kulkarni Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 Elsevier Estimation of relationship between intercept factor and concentration ratio of receiver for solar cycloidal concentrating system - ScienceDirect yes yes Department of Aerospace Engineering, MIT School of Engineering
96 Performance investigations of cross flow indirect evaporative cooler Prashant Patunkar, Sunil Dingare Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 Elsevier Performance investigations of cross flow indirect evaporative cooler - ScienceDirect yes yes Department of Aerospace Engineering, MIT School of Engineering
97 Investigation of thermal performance of modified vertical rectangular fin array in free convection using experimental and numerical method Anilkumar Sathe, Sudarshan Sanap, Sunil Dingare, Narayan Sane Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 Elsevier Investigation of thermal performance of modified vertical rectangular fin array in free convection using experimental and numerical method - ScienceDirect yes yes MIT School of Engineering, Pune
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection Heat Transfer From Horizontal Rectangular Plate Fin Pin Fin Arrays
Sunil V Dingare, Narayan K Sane, Ratnakar R Kulkarni ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2021 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection Heat Transfer From Horizontal Rectangular Plate Fin Pin Fin Arrays | IMECE | ASME Digital Collection yes No MIT ADT University
99 Mass Transfer Rate Enhancement in Sparged Vessel for Ammonia-Water Nano-Fluid in VARS by Adding Nanoparticles Rahul Bhujbal, Sanjay Nakate, Sunil V Dingare ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2021 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Mass Transfer Rate Enhancement in Sparged Vessel for Ammonia-Water Nano-Fluid in VARS by Adding Nanoparticles | IMECE | ASME Digital Collection yes No MIT ADT University
100 Design and prototyping of dual axis solar tracking system for performance enhancement of solar photo-voltaic power plant Ashish Patil, Mangesh Dhavalikar, Sunil Dingare, Virendra Bhojwani E3S Web of Conferences 2020 EDP Sciences Design and prototyping of dual axis solar tracking system for performance enhancement of solar photo-voltaic power plant | E3S Web of Conferences ( yes No MIT School of Engineering, MIT ADT University, Pune,
101 A Review of Recent Experimental and Theoretical Research of Dew Point Evaporative Coolers Prashant Patunkar, Sunil Dingare, Virendra Bhojwani E3S Web of Conferences 2020 EDP Sciences A Review of Recent Experimental and Theoretical Research of Dew Point Evaporative Coolers | E3S Web of Conferences ( yes No Department of Aerospace Engineering, MIT School of Engineering, Pune
102 Thermal Analysis of Vertical Plate Fin Heat Sink
Anilkumar Sathe, Sudarshan Sanap, Sunil Dingare, Narayan Sane
E3S Web of Conferences 2020 EDP Sciences Thermal Analysis of Vertical Plate Fin Heat Sink | E3S Web of Conferences ( yes No MIT School of Engineering, Rajbaug, Pune
103 Experimental Analysis of different shaped ribs on heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics Sandeep S Kore, Sunil V Dingare, Satish Chinchanikar, Pravin Hujare, Ashok Mache E3S Web of Conferences 2020 EDP Sciences Experimental Analysis of different shaped ribs on heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics | E3S Web of Conferences ( yes No MIT ADT University, Pune
104 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Heat Sink with Rectangular Plates at Varying Inclinations on Vertical Base Harshal Bhauso Patil, Sunil Vishnu Dingare Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C 2019 Springer India Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Heat Sink with Rectangular Plates at Varying Inclinations on Vertical Base | SpringerLink yes yes MAEER’s MIT College of Engineering,
105 A Bibliometric Analysis of Minimum Quantity Lubrication as A Sustainable Approach Shrikant U. Gunjal , Sudarshan B. Sanap Library Philosophy and Practice 2020 Library Philosophy and Practice A Bibliometric Analysis of Minimum Quantity Lubrication as A Sustainable Approach - ProQuest yes No MIT School of Engineering, MIT Art, Design and Technology (MIT ADT) University
106 Role of cutting fluids under minimum quantity lubrication: An experimental investigation of chip thickness Shrikant U Gunjal, Sudarshan B Sanap, Nilesh G Patil Materials Today: Proceedings 2020 Procedia Manufacturing Role of cutting fluids under minimum quantity lubrication: An experimental investigation of chip thickness - ScienceDirect Yes yes Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT School of Engineering (MIT SOE), MIT ADT University, Pune
107 A review on some investigations into sustainable machining techniques Shrikant Gunjal, Sudarshan Sanap E3S Web of Conferences 2020 EDP Sciences A review on some investigations into sustainable machining techniques | E3S Web of Conferences ( yes No MIT ADT University, Loni Kalbhor, Pune
108 Physico-functional characteristics of Opuntia Ficus-indica Kartika V Patil, Amol C Dagadkhair, Anjali A Bhoite, Rajkumar R Andhale International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 2019 International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Physico-functional-characteristics-of-Opuntia-Ficus-indica.pdf ( yes No MIT College of Food Technology, MIT Art, Design and Technology University
109 Real-Time Location Based Shared Smart Parking System Pragati Kanchan, Chhaya Mhaske, Reena Pagare, N Shardoor E3S Web of Conferences 2020 EDP Sciences Real-time Location Based Shared Smart Parking System | E3S Web of Conferences ( yes No Department of CSE, School of Engineering, MIT ADT University, Pune
110 Effect of a Pylon Mounted Cavity-Based Flameholder on‎ the Combustor Flow Characteristics D Sahoo, S Nayal Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 2021
Effect of a Pylon Mounted Cavity-Based Flameholder on ‎the Combustor Flow Characteristics ( yes yes Department of Aerospace Engineering, MIT School of Engineering, MIT ADT ‎University, Pune
111 Optic Disc Detection using Deep Learning Techniques Pratik Kakade, Ameya Kale, Ishan Jawade, Rushikesh Jadhav, Nilima Kulkarni International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems 2022 University Of Bahrain Optic Disc Detection using Deep Learning Techniques ( yes No Department of Computer Science and Engineering, MIT ADT University, Pune
112 Recent Trends in Cloud Computing and Edge Computing Sonali Deshpande, Nilima Kulkarni Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2021 University of Idaho Library Recent Trends in Cloud Computing and Edge Computing - ProQuest yes No Department of Computer Science and Engineering, MIT ADT University, Pune
113 Emotion Recognition–A review Sukhpreet Kaur, Nilima Kulkarni International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2021 Research India Publications Article ( yes No Department of Computer Science and Engineering, MIT ADT University, Pune
114 In silico binding analysis of lutein and rosmarinic acid against envelope domain III protein of dengue virus Ritesh Panchal, Sanket Bapat, Sandeepan Mukherjee, Abhay Chowdhary Indian Journal of Pharmacology 2021 Medknow Publications In silico binding analysis of lutein and rosmarinic acid against envelope domain III protein of dengue virus Panchal R, Bapat S, Mukherjee S, Chowdhary A - Indian J Pharmacol ( yes yes MIT School of Bioengineering Science and Research, ADT University, Pun
115 Computational studies for evaluation of azole and flucytosine drugs against Candida auris to study antifungal resistance S Mhade, GK Uppal, S Bapat International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2020 Elsevier Computational studies for evaluation of azole and flucytosine drugs against Candida auris to study antifungal resistance - International Journal of Infectious Diseases ( yes yes MIT ADT University, Department of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, Pune
116 Exploring Energy Profiles of Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs) Using DFT Method Sanket Bapat, Renu Vyas, Muthukumarasamy Karthikeyan Letters in Drug Design & Discovery 2019 Bentham Science Publishers Exploring Energy Profiles of Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs) ...: Ingenta Connect yes yes MIT ADT University, Department of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, Pune
117 Importance of gold nanoparticles for detection of toxic heavy metal ions and vital role in biomedical applications Vinayak A Dhumale, Rajesh K Gangwar, Nishigandh Pande Materials Research Innovations 2021 Taylor & Francis Importance of gold nanoparticles for detection of toxic heavy metal ions and vital role in biomedical applications: Materials Research Innovations: Vol 25, No 6 ( Yes No Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, MIT School of Engineering, MIT Art, Design and Technology University
118 In situ synthesis of Ag NPs in the galactomannan based biodegradable composite for the development of active packaging films Mayuri Malwade, Rajnandini Chaudhari, Lokesh Sharma, Amol Kahandal, Vedashree Sirdeshmukh, Kishor Rajdeo, Chandrakant Tagad Journal of Polymer Engineering 2022 De Gruyter In situ synthesis of Ag NPs in the galactomannan based biodegradable composite for the development of active packaging films ( Yes Yes MIT ADT University, Department of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, Pune
119 Recent Developments on Green Synthesis of Nanomaterials and their Application in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Nitasha Chaudhari, Sanjay Darvekar, Paresh Nasikkar, Atul Kulkarni, Chandrakant Tagad International Journal of Ambient Energy 2022 Taylor & Francis Recent developments on green synthesised nanomaterials and their application in dye-sensitised solar cells: International Journal of Ambient Energy: Vol 0, No 0 ( Yes No MIT ADT University, Department of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, Pune
120 Adsorption of congo red using carbon from leaves and stem of water hyacinth: equilibrium, kinetics, thermodynamic studies A Extross, A Waknis, C Tagad, VV Gedam, PD Pathak International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 2022 Springer Berlin Heidelberg Adsorption of congo red using carbon from leaves and stem of water hyacinth: equilibrium, kinetics, thermodynamic studies | SpringerLink Yes Yes MIT ADT University, Department of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, Pune
121 Development of a surface-modified paper-based colorimetric sensor using synthesized Ag NPs-alginate composite Lokesh Sharma, Shubhankar Gouraj, Pranit Raut, Chandrakant Tagad Environmental technology 2021 Taylor & Francis Development of a surface-modified paper-based colorimetric sensor using synthesized Ag NPs-alginate composite: Environmental Technology: Vol 42, No 22 ( Yes Yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT ADT University, Pune,
122 Pd doped SnO2 based room temperature operable resistive sensor for the detection of ethanol vapors Vipul Dhongade, Lokesh Sharma, Amol Kahandal, RC Aiyer, Kishor Rajdeo, Chandrakant Tagad Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 Elsevier Pd doped SnO2 based room temperature operable resistive sensor for the detection of ethanol vapors - ScienceDirect Yes No MIT ADT University, Department of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, Pune
123 A sensitive and selective optical detection of Ni2+ based on gold nanoparticles synthesized using Nocardiopsis Tahsin Bennur, Chandrakant Tagad, Rohini Aiyer, Atul Kulkarni, Smita Zinjarde Optical Materials 2019 North-Holland A sensitive and selective optical detection of Ni2+ based on gold nanoparticles synthesized using Nocardiopsis - ScienceDirect Yes Yes MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, MIT Art, Design and Technology University, Pune
124 Purification and characterization of acid phosphatase from Macrotyloma uiflorum seeds Chandrakant K Tagad, Sushma G Sabharwal Journal of Food Science and Technology 2017 Springer India Purification and characterization of acid phosphatase from Macrotyloma uiflorum seeds | SpringerLink Yes No MIT ADT University, Department of Bioengineering Sciences and Research, Pune
125 Flaxseed as a functional food: a review V Raghuwanshi, R Agrawal, K Mane J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019 International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 8-2-297-726.pdf ( Yes Yes MIT College of Food Technology, MIT Art, Design and Technology University
Brand Style DNA in Consumer Products: Decoding Strategies from a Design Perspective
Shoubhik Dutta Roy, Wricha Mishra International Conference on Research into Design 2021 Springer, Singapore Brand Style DNA in Consumer Products: Decoding Strategies from a Design Perspective | SpringerLink yes no MIT Institute of Design, Pune
127 Optimizing Operation Research Strategy for Design Intervention: A Framework for GOMS Selection Rule Wricha Mishra, Anirban Chowdhury, Debayan Dhar International Conference on Research into Design 2017 Springer, Singapore Optimizing Operation Research Strategy for Design Intervention: A Framework for GOMS Selection Rule | SpringerLink yes no Department of User Experience Design, MIT Institute of Design, Loni Kalbhor, Pune
128 Thermal analysis of a spiral solar receiver for a small central receiver system: an experimental and numerical investigation Satyavan P Digole, Mathew Karvinkoppa, Sudarshan Sanap International Journal of Ambient Energy 2022 Taylor & Francis Thermal analysis of a spiral solar receiver for a small central receiver system: an experimental and numerical investigation: International Journal of Ambient Energy: Vol 43, No 1 ( yes no Mechanical Engineering Department, MIT School of Engineering, MIT-ADT University
129 A Bibliometric Analysis of Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Turning Govind S Ghule, Sudarshan Sanap Library Philosophy and Practice 2021 Library Philosophy and Practice A Bibliometric Analysis of Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Turning - ProQuest yes no Mechanical Engineering Department, MIT School of Engineering, MIT-ADT University
130 CFD and ANN approach to predict the flow pattern around the square and rectangular bluff body for high Reynolds number Virendra Talele, VK Mathew, Niranjan Sonawane, Sudarshan Sanap, Archana Chandak, Anurag Nema Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 Elsevier CFD and ANN approach to predict the flow pattern around the square and rectangular bluff body for high Reynolds number - ScienceDirect yes no Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT School of Engineering, MIT ADT University, Pune
131 Study of impact and fatigue on 3D printed composites Nikhil Niteen Berde, Sudarshan B Sanap, Sandeep G Thorat Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 Elsevier Study of impact and fatigue on 3D printed composites - ScienceDirect yes no Mechanical Engineering (DESIGN) MIT-ADT University, Pune
132 Theoretical modelling and experimental characterization of composite material for ulna bone plate application Rajkumar Deshmukh, Sudarshan Sanap, Dineshsingh Thakur Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 Elsevier Theoretical modelling and experimental characterization of composite material for ulna bone plate application - ScienceDirect yes no Mechanical Engineering Department, MIT ADT University
133 Metric-Cauchy sequence for wheeled mobile robot navigation BK Patle, Sudarshan Sanap, Alok Jha, Brijesh Patel, Sunil Kumar Kashyap Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 Elsevier Metric-Cauchy sequence for wheeled mobile robot navigation - ScienceDirect yes no Mechanical Engineering Department, MIT ADT University
134 Investigation of thermal performance of modified vertical rectangular fin array in free convection using experimental and numerical method Anilkumar Sathe, Sudarshan Sanap, Sunil Dingare, Narayan Sane Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 Elsevier Investigation of thermal performance of modified vertical rectangular fin array in free convection using experimental and numerical method - ScienceDirect yes no MIT School of Engineering, Pune
135 A bibliometric analysis of minimum quantity lubrication as a sustainable approach Shrikant U Gunjal, Sudarshan B Sanap Library Philosophy and Practice 2020 Library Philosophy and Practice A Bibliometric Analysis of Minimum Quantity Lubrication as A Sustainable Approach - ProQuest yes no MIT School of Engineering, MIT Art, Design and Technology
136 Experimental analysis of effect of slitted rectangular fins on heat sink under natural convection heat transfer Anilkumar Sathe, Sudarshan Sanap International Journal of Ambient Energy 2020 Taylor & Francis Experimental analysis of effect of slitted rectangular fins on heat sink under natural convection heat transfer: International Journal of Ambient Energy: Vol 0, No 0 ( yes no Experimental analysis of effect of slitted rectangular fins on heat sink under natural convection heat transfer: International Journal of Ambient Energy: Vol 0, No 0 (
137 Free convection heat transfer analysis of slitted fin heat sink of vertical orientation using CFD Anilkumar Sathe, Sudarshan Sanap International Journal of Ambient Energy 2020 Taylor & Francis Free convection heat transfer analysis of slitted fin heat sink of vertical orientation using CFD: International Journal of Ambient Energy: Vol 0, No 0 ( yes no Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT School of Engineering, Pune
138 Parametric design and comparative analysis of a special purpose flexure spring Suraj Bhoyar, Virendra Bhojwani and Sudarshan Sanap E3S Web of Conferences 2020 EDP Sciences Parametric Design and Comparative Analysis of a Special Purpose Flexure Spring | E3S Web of Conferences ( yes no Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT School of Engineering, Pune
139 Thermal Analysis of Vertical Plate Fin Heat Sink Anilkumar Sathe, Sudarshan Sanap, Sunil Dingare, Narayan Sane E3S Web of Conferences 2020 EDP Sciences Thermal Analysis of Vertical Plate Fin Heat Sink | E3S Web of Conferences ( yes no MIT School of Engineering, Rajbaug, Pune
140 A review on some investigations into sustainable machining techniques Shrikant Gunjal, Sudarshan Sanap E3S Web of Conferences 2020 EDP Sciences A review on some investigations into sustainable machining techniques | E3S Web of Conferences ( yes no MIT School of Engineering, Rajbaug, Pune
141 Development of shrimp-based chitosan film and assessment of its mechanical, barrier and antimicrobial properties Jagruti Jankar, Yogesh Nagargoje, Yogita Chavan, Jaydevi Jankar, Akshay Kumar Sahoo E3S Web of Conferences 2020 EDP Sciences Development of shrimp-based chitosan film and assessment of its mechanical, barrier and antimicrobial properties | E3S Web of Conferences ( yes no MIT College of Food Technology, MIT ADT University, Pune
142 Some Confidence Regions for Traffic Intensity Vector Suresh Bajirao Pathare, Vinayak K Gedam Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing 2019 International Academic Press Some Confidence Regions for Traffic Intensity Vector | Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing yes no MIT-ADT University, Pune, India
143 Mean response time of a two stage open queueing network model with feedback Suresh B Pathare, Vinayak K Gedam International Journal of Operational Research 2019 Inderscience Publishers (IEL) Mean response time of a two stage open queueing network model with feedback | International Journal of Operational Research ( yes no MITCOM, MIT-ADT University, Rajbaug, Loni Kalbhor, Pune
144 Estimation of Traffic Intensity Vector of a Two Stage Open Queueing Network Models with Feedback Suresh B Pathare, Vinayak K Gedam International Journal of Computational and Theoretical Statistics 2018 University of Bahrain paper 6.pdf yes no MITCOM, MIT Art, Design and Technology University, Pune
145 Data access security in cloud computing: A review Anagha Markandey, Prajakta Dhamdhere, Yogesh Gajmal 2018 International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON) 2018 IEEE Data Access Security in Cloud Computing: A Review | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore yes no MIT ADT University
Information Technology dept. MIT School of Engineering
146 Prevention of Protein Glycation by Nanoparticles: Potential Applications in T2DM and Associated Neurodegenerative Diseases
Nayana Patil, Anushka Kelkar, Aruna Sivaram BioNanoScience 2022 Springer US Prevention of Protein Glycation by Nanoparticles: Potential Applications in T2DM and Associated Neurodegenerative Diseases | SpringerLink yes yes School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, MIT Art Design and Technology University
147 Fluorescent tumor-targeted polymer-bioconjugate: A potent theranostic platform for cancer therapy Himani Kalita, Manoj Patowary European Polymer Journal 2020 Pergamon Fluorescent tumor-targeted polymer-bioconjugate: A potent theranostic platform for cancer therapy - ScienceDirect yes yes School of Engineering, MIT-ADT University, Maharashtra
148 Normal and shear stress distributed points on thin walled corrugated tubes by conformal transformation technique Nitin D. Pagar, Bhumeshwar M Patle, Amit R Patil, Santosh A Darade AIP Conference Proceedings 2022 AIP Publishing LLC Normal and shear stress distributed points on thin walled corrugated tubes by conformal transformation technique: AIP Conference Proceedings: Vol 2469, No 1 ( yes no MIT Arts, Design and Technology (MIT-ADT) University, Loni Kalbhor, Pune
149 SDN based load balancing technique in internet of vehicle using integrated whale optimization method Santosh A Darade, M Akkalakshmi, Nitin pagar AIP Conference Proceedings 2022 AIP Publishing LLC yes no MIT Arts, Design and Technology (MIT-ADT) University, Loni Kalbhor, Pune
150 Experimental investigation on the effect of optimized dimethyl carbonate on CI engine performance & Emissions at various engine operating parameters using Taguchi method Nitin D Pagar, Bhushan D Nandre AIP Conference Proceedings 2022 AIP Publishing LLC Experimental investigation on the effect of optimized dimethyl carbonate on CI engine performance & Emissions at various engine operating parameters using Taguchi method: AIP Conference Proceedings: Vol 2469, No 1 ( yes no Mechanical Department, MIT Arts, Design and Technology (MIT-ADT) University, Pune
151 Influence of simultaneous optimisation to enhance the stress-based fatigue life of bellows joint ND Pagar Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2021 Taylor & Francis Influence of simultaneous optimisation to enhance the stress-based fatigue life of bellows joint: Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Vol 0, No 0 ( yes yes Department of Mechanical Engineering,MIT Scholol of Engineering, MIT-ADT University, Pune,
152 Review of contact modelling in nonlinear finite element analysis Tejal Pore, Sandeep G Thorat, Archana A Nema Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 Elsevier Review of contact modelling in nonlinear finite element analysis - ScienceDirect yes no Mechanical Engineering Department, MIT ADT University, Pune
153 Computational fluid dynamics used by mixing vessels for predicting hydrodynamic behaviour of mixture: An overview Aakash Kabra, Archana Nema, Mathew Karvinkoppa, Anurag Nema, Sandeep Thorat Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 Elsevier Computational fluid dynamics used by mixing vessels for predicting hydrodynamic behaviour of mixture: An overview - ScienceDirect yes no Mechanical Engineering Department, MIT ADT University, Pune
154 Study of impact and fatigue on 3D printed composites Nikhil Niteen Berde, Sudarshan B Sanap, Sandeep G Thorat Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 Elsevier yes no Mechanical Engineering Department, MIT ADT University, Pune
155 Feasibility of Using Counseling Techniques from Ramayana for Managing Negative emotions: an anecdotal Review and analysis Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine 2021 SAGE Feasibility of Using Counseling Techniques from Ramayana for Managing Negative Emotions: An Anecdotal Review and Analysis - Shree Raksha Bhide, Chhaya Kurhade, Aarti Jagannathan, Sushrutha S, Paulomi M Sudhir, BN Gangadhar, 2021 ( yes yes School of Vedic Sciences, MIT ADT University, Pune
156 Comment on “moving from models to mechanisms in yoga research” Sushrutha Shivanna International Journal of Yoga 2020 Wolters Kluwer--Medknow Publications Comment on “Moving from Models to Mechanisms in Yoga Research” - PMC ( yes yes Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Vedic Sciences, MIT-ADT University, Pune
157 A comparative study between vedic and contemporary education systems using bio-energy markers Rajesha Halekote Karisetty, Sushrutha Shivanna, Balaram Pradhan, TM Srinivasan, Ramachandra G Bhat International Journal of Yoga 2020 Wolters Kluwer--Medknow Publications A Comparative Study between Vedic and Contemporary Education Systems using Bio-Energy Markers - PMC ( yes yes Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Vedic Sciences, MIT-ADT University, Pune
158 Media and Me' in the Lock-down: An Exploratory Study to understand media consumption among Urban Millennial during Lock-down Period due to Covid-19 Dr. Rajeev Ghode Global Media Journal 2020 Global Media Journal Media and Me' in the Lock-down: An Exploratory Study to Understand Media Consumption Pattern among Urban Millennial during Lock-down Period due to Covid-19 | Open Access Journals ( yes No New Media Department, International School of Broadcasting and Journalism (ISBJ), MIT ADT University, Loni, Pune
159 Formulating Predictive Models for Re-design of Rowing Simulator Anant M Chakradeo, Dr Mishra, Dr Rai International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology 2020 IAEME Publication Formulating Predictive Models for Re-design of Rowing Simulator by Anant M. Chakradeo, Dr. Wricha Mishra, Dr. Sunil Rai :: SSRN yes no MIT Art Design and Technology University, Pune
160 State of the Art in Authorship Attribution With Impact Analysis of Stylometric Features on Style Breach Prediction Rajesh Shardanand Prasad, Midhun Chakkaravarthy Journal of Cases on Information Technology 2022 IGI Global State of the Art in Authorship Attribution With Impact Analysis of Stylometric Features on Style Breach Prediction: Computer Science & IT Journal Article | IGI Global ( yes yes MIT Art, Design and Technology University, Pune
161 A consolidative evaluation of extracted EGG speech signal for pathology identification R. Gunjan S. Pangaonkar International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling 2021 Inderscience A consolidative evaluation of extracted EGG speech signal for pathology identification | International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling ( yes yes Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, School of Engineering, MIT Art, Design and Technology University, Rajbaug, Loni-Kalbhor, Pune
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