• MIT SFT is one of the few UGC recognized institutions for training in Filmmaking and Theatre Arts in India offering B.Sc./B.A, M.Sc./M.A degrees in Filmmaking and B.A. and Ph.D in Dramatics.
  • Film & Theatre Education at MIT SFT is structured and mentored by Faculty who have trained professionally in Filmmaking and Drama. The Faculty, besides taking classes and supervising projects, individually mentors each student.
  • Film & Theatre education at MIT SFT is supervised by a Board of Studies consisting of film & theatre professionals and educationists, ensuring that everything taught at SFT is relevant to professional working conditions in the respective fields.
  • MIT SFT invites top industry professionals to conduct workshops in every Specialization all year round.
  • MIT SFT students participate in PIFF [Pune International Film Festival] and top Theatre Festivals every year. This provides an opportunity for students to interact with the Cinema and Theatre industry and develop their professional network.
  • MIT SFT has Pune’s largest film shooting studio and a dedicated Proscenium Theatre. Besides providing space for students to practice their craft, these spaces also develop MIT SFT’s relationship with the media industry further.
  • The Technical Facilities at MIT SFT are at par with any world-class film and theatre education facility. These include:
    * Still & Digital Cameras, with top-class lenses and accessories.
    * Mac & PC-based edit systems, equipped with professional software.
    * Professional Sound Recording and Sound Design equipment.
    * Proscenium Theatre and Theatre Set and Lights.
  • MIT SFT is located at Rajbaug, a peaceful working environment in a 120-acre campus on the banks of the river Mutha, home to the legendary Raj Kapoor. He filmed his later films on this campus. His passion for filmmaking and theatre is MIT SFT’s guiding light, something that we wish to ignite in every student.
  • MIT SFT is surrounded by MIT School of Fine Arts, MIT School of Architecture, MIT School of Music & Performing Arts and the MIT Institute of Design, ensuring that a student interacts with fellow creative minds and gets a rounded education.
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